Department of Wood Technology

Selected methods in wood anatomy

Opterećenje: 30+15
Sadržaj predmeta: 1. Getting to know different techniques of microscopy and preparation for morphological, qualitative and quantitative analysis of wood, wood cells and wood materials. 2. Measuring instruments and methods in optical microscopy; microtomy and maceration of wood: preparation, coloring and fitting of preparations; photomicrograph; electron microscopy; ultramicrotomy; methods of replicating the wood surface; preparation fitting methods; application of X-ray technique in wood anatomy; 3. Diagnostic features in wood identification 4. Wood identification using modern software (keys) for wood identification. Methods and borderline examples (reliability of identification).

Obvezna literatura:

1. Anatomija drva,: Predavanja iz anatomija drva (skripta, autori: Jelena Trajković i Bogoslav Šefc, pdf dokument oko 3 MB) i Atlas slika uz predavanja (Ilustracije uz predavanja, sabrali: Jelena Trajković i Bogoslav Šefc, pdf dokument oko 39 MB

2. Wheeler, E,A.; Baas, P, Gasson, P.E. (1989): Iawa list of microcopic features for hardwood identification, IAWA journal, Vol 10 (3):219- 332,

3. Von Arx, G.; Crivellaro, A.; Čufar, K; Prendin, L.A.(2016): Quantitative Wood Anatomy— Practical Guidelines, Frontiers in Plant Science 7(56):781, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00781

4. H. G. Richter and M. J. Dallwitz 2000: 'Commercial timbers: descriptions, illustrations, identification, and information retrieval.' In English, French, German, and Spanish. Version: 25th June 2009.

5. Predavanja iz predmeta Anatomija drva (skripta, autori: Jelena Trajković i Bogoslav Šefc, pdf dokument oko 3 MB) i Atlas slika uz predavanja (Ilustracije uz predavanja, sabrali: Jelena Trajković i Bogoslav Šefc, pdf dokument oko 39 MB)


Preporučena literatura:

1. Tiago Ferreira, Wayne Rasband, 2012.: ImageJ Users Guide, 185 str. Timar, M.C.;Gurau, L.; Porojan, M.; Beldean, E. (2013): Microscopic identification of wood species. An important step in furnitur conservation, European Journal of Science and Theology, August 2013, Vol.9, No.4, 243- 252

2. Brian K. Brashaw, Voichita Bucur, Ferenc Divos, Raquel Gonçalves, 2009: Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood: A Worldwide Research Update, Forest Products Journal 59(3):7-14

3. InsideWood. 2004-onwards. Published on the Internet. [date of accession].

4. Gasson, P.E. Baas, Wheeler, E,A. (2011): WOOD ANATOMY OF CITES-LISTED TREE SPECIES, IAWA journal, Vol 32 (2):155-198,


Jelena Trajković
Prof. Jelena Trajković

Distinguished professor

Iva Ištok
doc. dr. sc. Iva Ištok PhD



Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije