Department of Wood Technology

Basics of wood restoration

Opterećenje: 30+15+16
Sadržaj predmeta: Procedures for determining the style of manufacture and dating the age of wood products. Handling and storage of antique wood and works of art of inestimable value. Procedures for extracting wood samples to determine the type of wood, the cause of wood decomposition, other materials and means used in the production of the product. Procedures for recognizing wood species and selecting substitute species. Procedures for assessing the condition and health of wooden objects and buildings. Identifying the causes and intensity of biological decomposition of wood. Determining the intensity of wood decomposition by abiological factors. Procedures and means of repressive protection - physical and structural protection. Modern means of chemical protection of wood - new types of preventive inorganic and organic and ecologically acceptable means. Modern methods of wood protection - biological protection, advantages and disadvantages. Wood decontamination and sterilization procedures - from the beginnings to today's modern times means and methods. Application of ecologically suitable means and procedures in the decontamination and sterilization of wooden art ("Anoxi" methods, fumigation, heat, HF and electromagnetic radiation). Overview of procedures and means for wood consolidation, advantages and disadvantages, key factors when choosing optimal methods of wood consolidation. The importance of surface treatment in wood restoration. The importance of protection, consolidation and restoration of wood for the life of wood products. Compilation of the restoration project and documentation management. Overview of the condition of wooden objects and/or structures (buildings, bridges, carpentry) and a proposal procedures and means of restoration / rehabilitation (field exercises Gornji grad, Maksimir, museums, restoration workshops).

Obvezna literatura :

1. Unger, A., Schniewind, A.P., Unger, W. 2001: CONSERVATION OF WOOD ARTIFACTS, Springer, 2001.

2. Hasan, M., Despot, R. 2018: Zaštita drva I, Abiološki čimbenici, lignikolne bakterije i gljive, ksilofagni kukci i morski štetnici – skripta za studente drvne tehnologije iz predmeta Zaštita drva I i Patologija drva. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb, 2018. DA Merlin, MS Teams, Internet stranica fakulteta

3. Reinprecht, L. 2000: REKONŠTRUKCIA OBJEKTOV Z DREVA, Monografia, Technicka Univerziteta vo Zvolene, Zvolen, 2000. Interna knjižnica Zavoda

4. Reinprecht, L. 2001: PROCESY DEGRADACIE DREVA. Tehnicka Univerziteta vo Zvolene, Zvolen, 2001. (odabrana poglavlja). Interna knjižnica Zavoda

5. Salminen, E., Valo, R., Korhonen, M., Jernlås, R. 2014: Wood preservation with chemicals Best Available Techniques (BAT). TemaNord 2014:550 ISSN 0908-6692. Nordic Council of Ministers 2014. ISBN: 978-92-893-2828-9, ISBN 978-92-893-2829-6 (EPUB).


Preporučena literatura:

1.Timar, M.C.;Gurau, L.; Porojan, M.; Beldean, E. (2013): Microscopic identification of wood species. An important step in furniture conservation, European Journal of Science and Theology, August 2013, Vol.9, No.4, 243-252

2.Brian K. Brashaw, Voichita Bucur, Ferenc Divos, Raquel Gonçalves, 2009: Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation of Wood: A Worldwide Research Update, Forest Products Journal 59(3):7-14

3.Richardson, B.A. 1993: WOOD PRESERVATION second edition, E & FN SPON, London, 1993.

4.Eaton, R.A., Hale, M.D.C.1994: WOOD, DECAY, PESTS AND PROTECTION, Chapman & Hall, 1994. United Kingdom.

5.Bravery, A.F., Berry, R.W., Carey, J.K., Cooper, D.E. 1992: RECOGNISING WOOD ROT AND INSECT DAMAGE IN BUILDINGS, BRE Bookshop, Seconfd edition, 1992. Garston, Watford, United Kingdom. 6.Zbornici radova sa međunarodnih IRG-WP konferencija: International Research Group on Wood Protection, IRG-WP Stockholm, Sweeden. (izdanja od 1990. do 2020.)


Hasan Marin
Associate prof. Marin Hasan

Associate professor

Assistant prof. Danijela Domljan

Assistant professor

Associate prof. Ivica Župčić

Associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije