Why should I choose to study at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology?
“The most beautiful pages of my life have been written during the days of my university studies. Wonderful friendships, useful knowledge and experience made me rich as a person and prepared me well for a “sailing route” towards some new safe harbours.“
Danijela Gadže (student at the Department of Wood Technology - DTO)
“Loving forest is very simple. But understanding this complex ecosystem requires the lifelong learning, and the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology is the place of endless source of knowledge and of numerous ideas."
"The Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology creates people who perceive, think and preserve natural resources."
Helena Nosek (student at the Department of Forestry - ŠO)
“The Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb gave me the opportunity to gain biotechnological knowledge, the knowledge regarding the functioning of the forest ecosystem and managing it in a naturally renewable way, based on the centuries of tradition and the preservation of patriotic values. The relationships amongst the staff members of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology are characterized by deep connections and collegiality with constant improvements of theoretical knowledge in practice during the field classes. The atmosphere in the forests creates long-lasting friendships with a diverse spectrum of interests, and by completing the studies at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb I am aware of belonging to the upper class of the academic society of the Republic of Croatia and of the European Union."
Juraj Gregur (student at the Department of Forestry - ŠO)
“During my studies at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, I gained knowledge and experience in the forestry profession. I would like to particularly point out the benefits of the field classes through which I acquired practical skills and better knowledge of Croatia.”
Žarko Pejić (student at the Department of Forestry - ŠO)
“I acquired new knowledge, many new skills and friendships during my studies at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology. Even tough five years seem like a long period of time, it flew by in a flash, and the whole experience is truly unforgettable. I will remember all the beautiful moments for my whole life.”
Matija Nakić (student at the Department of Forestry - ŠO)
"Words cannot describe the impressions collected during the field classes. Each time we see something new, even more interesting and exciting than expected. Visiting the Biotechnical Faculty in Ljubljana (Oddelka za lesarstvo), the companies Podgorje, Metal World, Freud, testing laboratories Catas, were particularly motivating for us. We have seen and experienced many useful things (company technology parks, business methods, approach and attitudes towards the employees, mentalities and ways of thinking) that our companies have to work on. A visit to the plants and facilities of the mentioned companies that are provided with the world-class technological equipment was of a great contribution for us to get a view of the technological possibilities we, unfortunately, do not have often the chance to see during the regular field classes in our home country. New perspectives and new insights into the profession, many beautiful impressions and even more photos and memories brought back home are something that remains in my memory. I definitely recommend to all the future students and travellers to join professional excursions (which, I hope, will be organized in the future) as you will surely realize and see that you have not made a mistake by choosing exactly this profession for your life’s direction.”
Ivana Hideg (student at the Department of Wood Technology - DTO)