Graduate Studies of Wood Technology Processes
Upon completion of graduate studies and final thesis defence, the student receives a university diploma stating the completion of studies and the acquisition of an academic title according to the programme of studies: Master of Wood Technology - Wood Technology Processes
Skills acquired by completing these studies: the knowledge of position and trends in the wood processing sector in the home country and abroad, scientific knowledge about wood as a renewable material, full proficiency in management of wood technology processes, planning and calculation of production, coordination of all the activities in wood industry, preparation for the professional and scientific development through various educational forms and postgraduate studies. A Master in Engineering is completely prepared for an individual and team work in the fields of sawing and hydrothermal treatment of wood, wood protection, in the field of veneer production technology, of plywood panels and chipped wood panels, in the production technology of the final wood products, in particular the coordination of wood and wood products surface treatment processes. A Master’s in engineering is involved in design of technology, developing and improving production, optimizing production and has additional applied knowledge in the fields of engineering and management in the wood industry. He/She writes his/her final thesis of an experimental, professional or scientific character.
Master of Engineering is qualified for the most complex jobs in all forms of enterprises dealing with the treatment, processing of wood and wood trade and in consulting and design companies, he/she can work as expert associate in research institutions in the field of wood and wood technologies, as a manager and associate in trade and traffic of wood products, he/she can carry out duties and tasks in wood technology enterprises, work as a teacher in vocational high schools and other related schools and carry out duties and tasks in publicist writing and media related to professions in wood industry.