Department of Forestry

NPŠO Zagreb (Training and Forest Research Centre Zagreb)

The Foundation of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry in Zagreb in 1919 and of the Department of Silviculture, brought also to the foundation of the forest garden as the scientific and educational unit of the Department of Silviculture. Therefore, the forest garden can be seen as the first educational and experimental facility of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology in Zagreb. Shortly afterwards, in 1922, the Faculty receives the agricultural and forest goods, among which were the forest-park Maksimir with the surface of 139,5 hectares, the forests Dubrava-Mokrice with the surface of 161 hectares and the forest of Sašinovečki lug with the surface of 92 hectares. In 1947, the Faculty became the curator of the forest area of 365 hectares on Sljeme, and in 1946 of the forest Dotrščina with the area of 178 hectares. Nowadays these five facilities constitute the Educational and Experimental Forest Facility of Zagreb.



The foundation of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology resulted in the nursery establishment as well, that was named a forest garden. The surface area and the location of the nursery had been changing, and today it covers the area of 3 hectares. Since the very first days of its establishment, the main purpose of the nursery was to instruct students on how to perform the basic tasks in plant nursery, as well as to conduct scientific and research jobs. 

A plant nursery was established within the forest facility Dotrščina in 1953. This nursery is particular for its terraced configuration. It covers the surface of 1 hectare and is used mostly for nurturing seedlings from the forest garden.  The Faculty owns a nursery of 4 hectares in its immediate proximity. The nursery is mainly used for research and production of saplings. Inside of the nursery, there is a building that has just been under renovation.



The State bought the forest-park Maksimir in 1922 from the Archdiocese of Zagreb and gave it to the management of the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.  The Forest-Park Maksimir covers approximately 120 hectares of forests, 6,5 hectares of lakes and 13 hectares of meadows. It is the oldest forest-park in Croatia and was raised by the Archbishop Juraj Haulik of Zagreb from 1838-1843. From the very beginning, the Faculty has been using the forest-park as a teaching facility a lot.



In the proximities of Maksimir, on its north side, to the west from the street Svetošimunska cesta and to the south from the villages Štefanovac and Markuševac is the forest-park Dotrščina. Before World War II, the Dotrščina Forest was owned by the Zagreb Kapitol. Since it was badly managed, it has also been devastated more.  In December 1944, all the forests were cut down by the Home Guard and the inhabitants of the surrounding villages, and the Faculty received forests in the younger stages of growth and of a very poor structure. It was a young, non-regulated and not tended stump forest.

Due to the location of the forest on the very edge of the city, an increasing pressure has been noticed on the Dotrščina forest by attracted visitors over the past years, making it a new factor important for the management of this forest.  Due to the convenient location and proximity of the Faculty, many students write their graduate papers in these forests.

The scientific activity is carried out on the permanent experimental plots by monitoring the stand structure development and the impact of the breeding activities on the structure, as well as the possibility of converting the cultivating sort and substituting locust stands. The foreign sorts grown there have been monitored to trace their process of growth and development. 



The forest Mokrice lug is located 20 km to the east from Zagreb and consists of two facilities: the forest Dubrava-Mokrice and the forest Šašinovečki lug.  The forest Dubrava-Mokrice covers the surface area of 164 hectares and it is situated between the villages Kobiljak, Kraljevački Novaki and Šija vrh.

The forest Mokrice lug is a Faculty’s facility of a great importance and unusually suitable for field classes on silviculture, especially concerning the field of natural regeneration and artificial restoration, due to the direct conversion of medium and low cultivation stands to a high cultivation stand.  Besides, the facility is suitable for investigation of all stand-tending phases.

At the facility there have also been conducted very intensive scientific researches, above all on the acorn crop, as well as structural investigations of old oak stands and research on the conversion of hornbeam and locus stands into oak stands.



On the northern slope of Medvednica, or north of the main watershed of Puntijarka - Rauchova lugarnica - Stol grows the Faculty Forest named Sljeme. Like most of the forests of the teaching and experimental forest facilities of Zagreb, also these forests used to be utilized in a very intensive and irrational manner in the past and were entrusted to the Faculty in very bad conditions.  The management of the Faculty forest Sljeme has been adapted to the fact that those are the green areas of the city of Zagreb and the focus is therefore in the first place on the forest public benefit functions.  Natural regeneration, based on the principles of the selection method, is the fundamental aspect that guarantees permanent forest vegetation cover, stability and productivity of these forests.

Scientists have been conducting extensive research on permanent experimental plots by monitoring the development of the structure in a thick beech-fir forest, comparing the growth of different conifer species, as well as converting them into indigenous stands.

Predstojnik zavoda

assoc. prof. Damir Drvodelić PhD

associate professor


Zamjenik predstojnika zavoda

Dario Baričević
Prof. Dario Baričević PhD

Distinguished professor



FŠDT suorganizator i domaćin 1. seminara šumske pedagogije u Hrvatskoj

Na Fakultetu šumarstva i drvne tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je 29. svibnja 1. seminar šumske pedagogije u organizaciji Centra za šumsku pedagogiju Silva.Rei iz Zagreba i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske. Domaćin i suorganizator seminara bio je FŠDT, dok su partneri bili Hrvatska komora inženjera šumarstva i drvne tehnologije i Javna ustanova Park prirode Medvednica.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

1. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.



 1st Announcement for conference GREEN2024

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije