
New curriculum (2022/2023)

Semester 1.

Compulsory subjects

ŠDU-1001N - Phytopharmacy in Forestry - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + L15

ŠDU-1002N - Forest Tree Breeding - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16

ŠDU-1003N - General and landscape ecology - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16

ŠDU-1004N - Plant Nutrition - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15

ŠDU-1005N - Growth and increment - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15


Optional subjects

Elective courses of the 1st semester of ŠDU > Mandatory to enroll in 3 elective courses


ŠDU-1006N - Photointerpretation in forestry - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-1007N - Application of phytocenology in forestry practice - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-1008N - Zoonoses in forest ecosystems - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-1009N - Methods of plant taxonomy - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-1010N - Bird Ecology - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-1011N - Behavioral Ecology - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-1012N - Monitoring of animal populations - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-1013N - Zooecology in forest ecosystems - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-1014N - Informatology and documentation in scientific research - 2.0 ECTS - P15

* Independently of these optional subjects, if desired, through the student office, an optional subject can also be enrolled

ŠDU-1003E - General and Landscape Ecology - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16

, as a substitute for the identical compulsory subject in the Croatian language ŠDU-1003 - General and landscape ecology - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16


Semester 2.

Compulsory subjects

ŠDU-2001N - Svilculture II- 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16
ŠDU-2002N - Forest vegetation - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16
ŠDU-2003N - Hunting management I- 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16
ŠDU-2004N - Integrated forest protection - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16
ŠDU-2005N - Soil management of forest ecosystems - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

Optional subjects

Elective subjects of the 2nd semester of ŠDU > Mandatory to enroll in 3 elective subjects


ŠDU-2006N - Biotechnology in forestry - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2007N - Ecological monitoring - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2008N - Game and Shooting Crops - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2009N - Measurement of forest areas - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2010N - Clonal Forestry - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2011N - Quantitative methods for planning in Forestry - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2012N - Hunting Dogology - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2013N - Mechanization in Forest Silviculture - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2014N - Legal regulation in forest management - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2015N - Communication and certification processes in forestry - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2016N- Dendrochronology- 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-2017N- European forestry- 2.0 ECTS - P15


Semester 3.

Compulsory subjects

ŠDU-3001N - Growing trees outside forests- 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16
ŠDU-3002N - Economics of Forest Company- 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8
ŠDU-3003N - Hunting management II- 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16
ŠDU-3004N - Forestry techniques and technologies - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T24
ŠDU-3005N - Forest Karst Meliorations - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16

Optional subjects
Elective courses of the 3rd semester of ŠDU > Mandatory to enroll in 3 elective courses

ŠDU-3006N - Spatio-temporal analysis in GIS - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-3007N - Bioenergy crops and phytoremediation - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-3008N - Ecology of Forest Tree Species - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-3009N - Population outbreaks and monitoring of forest insects - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-3010N - Fires and vegetation restoration - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-3011N - Preparation and measurement of Hunting Trophies - 2.0 ECTS - P15
ŠDU-3012N - Floodplain forests - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-3013N - Management by selection system and subalpine forest ecosystems - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-3014N - Remediation of degraded land - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-3015N - Statistical methods and models - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-3016N - European forest types - 2.0 ECTS - P15

ŠDU-3017N - Small scale forest management planning - 2.0 ECTS - P15


Semester 4.

Compulsory subjects

ŠDU-4001N - Forest management planning - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A45 + T32

Master thesis - 20.0 ECTS

Professional practice - 4.0 ECTS



FŠDT suorganizator i domaćin 1. seminara šumske pedagogije u Hrvatskoj

Na Fakultetu šumarstva i drvne tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je 29. svibnja 1. seminar šumske pedagogije u organizaciji Centra za šumsku pedagogiju Silva.Rei iz Zagreba i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske. Domaćin i suorganizator seminara bio je FŠDT, dok su partneri bili Hrvatska komora inženjera šumarstva i drvne tehnologije i Javna ustanova Park prirode Medvednica.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

1. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.



 1st Announcement for conference GREEN2024

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije