Department of Forestry

Floodplain forests

Opterećenje: 15(P) + 0(L) + 0(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 0(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: Basic concepts are covered: lowland forest? flood forest? Rit forest. The distribution of floodplain forests in Europe and Croatia is analyzed. The significance of floodplain forests in the environment and the history of the relationship between man and ? flood forest. The main factors influencing the state of floodplain forests today are analyzed. The geomorphology of the alluvial area is discussed, fluvial processes are analyzed and the soil is reviewed. The types of trees of floodplain forests are discussed and an overview of the vegetation of floodplains is given. The dynamics of flooded forests are analyzed. Production of floodplain forests (economic, ecological and social values) and their biological diversity are discussed. The morphology of forest stands is analyzed. The history of floodplain forest management in different European countries and the history of floodplain forest management in Croatia are analyzed. Silvicultural procedures in floodplain forests of hard Bjelogorica, silvicultural procedures in floodplain forests of soft Bjelogorica, silvicultural procedures in conditions of changed water relations are discussed. The adaptation of silvicultural practices to the dynamics of flooded forests is being addressed. The impact of interventions in the environment on floodplain forests is discussed and examples in some European countries and in our country are analyzed. The concept of preservation and revitalization of floodplain forests is treated using the examples of some European countries (case studies).

Obavezna literatura:
1.     Vukelić, J. (gl. ur.), 2005: Poplavne šume u Hrvatskoj. Akademija šumarskih znanosti, Zagreb.
2.     Klimo, E., H. Hager (ur.), 2001: The floodplain forests in Europe ? current situation and perspectives. European Forest Institute, Brill, 267 str., Leiden ? Boston ? Koeln.
3.     Penka, M., M. Vyskot, E. Klimo, F. Vašiček, 1985: Floodplain forest Ecosystem. Academia, knjiga I, 466 str., Praha.
4.     Penka, M., M. Vyskot, E. Klimo, F. Vašiček, 1991: Floodplain forest Ecosystem. Academia, knjiga II, 629 str., Praha.


Preporučena literatura:
5.     Anić, I., 2001: Uspijevanje i pomlađivanje sastojina poljskog jasena (Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl) u Posavini. Disertacija, Šumarski fakultet, 197 str., Zagreb.
6.     Baričević, D., 1999: Ekološko-vegetacijske promjene u šumama hrasta lužnjaka na području g.j. Žutica. Šum. list CXXIII(1/2): 17 ? 28, Zagreb.
7.     Bušić, G., 1998: Proizvodnost fluvisola varaždinske podravine u odonsu na uspijevanje bijele topole (Populus alba L.). Magistarski rad. Šumarski fakultet, 131 str., Zagreb.
8.     Dekanić, I., 1962: Utjecaj podzemne vode na pridolazak i uspijevanje šumskog drveća u posavskim šumama kod Lipovljana. Glas. šum. pokuse 15: 5 ? 118, Zagreb.
9.     Matić, S., I. Anić, M. Oršanić, 1998: Utjecaj promjena stanišnih prilika na strukturu, razvoj i proizvodnju nizinskih šumskih ekosustava. U: B. Prpić, H. Jakovac (ur.), Međunarodna konferencija održivo gospodarsko korištenje nizinskih rijeka i zaštita pri
10.     Matić, S. M. Oršanić, I. Anić, 1996: Istraživanja obnove i njege šuma na području pokupskog bazena. Radovi 31(1/2): 111 ? 124, Jastrebarsko.
11.     Oberdorfer, E., 1953: Der europaeische Auenwald. Beitr. nat. Foresch. Suddwetsdeutsch. 12: 23 ? 70.
12.     Prpić, B., 1974: Ekološko-biološke značajke šuma jugoistočne Slavonije. U: M. Vidaković, S. Horvatinović, D. Švagelj (ur.), Zbornik o stotoj obljetnici šumarstva jugoistočne Slavonije, JAZU, str. 65 ? 77, Vinkovci?Slavonski brod.
13.     Rauš, Đ., 1976: Vegetacija ritskih šuma dijela Podunavlja od Aljmaša do Iloka. Glasnik za šumske pokuse 19: 5?75, Zagreb.
14.     Rauš, Đ., 1975: Vegetacijski i sinekološki odnosi šuma u bazenu Spačva. Glas. šum. pokuse 18: 225 ? 346, Zagreb.


akademik Igor Anić F.C.A.

Distinguished professor

Stjepan Mikac
assoc. prof. Stjepan Mikac PhD

associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije