
Laboratory of Wood in Construction

Laboratory of Wood in Construction (LDG) of the Institute of Furniture and Wood Products, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb is accredited based on the required standards HRN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 for testing of wood floorings, wooden floor surface treatments, adhesives for wooden floors and selected physical properties of wood (Croatian Accreditation Agency Confirmation No.1175).

Main activities of the Laboratory include the accredited and non-accredited testing, research, education, publishing and expertise.


Mechanical and Physical Properties

  • Hardness (HRN EN 1534:2010)
  • Density (HRN ISO 3131:1999)
  • Moisture content by gravimetric method (HRN EN 13183-1:2008)
  • moisture content by electrical resistance method (HRN EN 13183-2:2008)
  • sampling procedure for conformity assessments  (HRN EN 14762:2008)
  • Determination of the dimensional and design properties (HRN EN 13647:2011)

Aesthetic features of all types of wooden flooring

Surface properties related to the CE marking of floor elements

  • Floor slip resistance testing – pendulum test (HRS CEN/TS 15676:2010)
  • Determination of the dimensional stability (HRN EN 1910:2016)

Other surface properties (especially of varnishes) of wooden floors

  • Film thickness
  • Elasticity
  • wear and shock resistance (HRN EN 13696:2010),
  • resistance of the surface to chemical agents (HRN EN 13442:2013),

Adhesive Strength (HRN EN 14293:2007) of the adhesive for wooden floor elements



Research and Development of New Methods


  • Seminars for floor layers
  • Technical consultations
  • joint introduction of factory internal control in the production of floor coverings

Publications – professional editions LDG




FŠDT suorganizator i domaćin 1. seminara šumske pedagogije u Hrvatskoj

Na Fakultetu šumarstva i drvne tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je 29. svibnja 1. seminar šumske pedagogije u organizaciji Centra za šumsku pedagogiju Silva.Rei iz Zagreba i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske. Domaćin i suorganizator seminara bio je FŠDT, dok su partneri bili Hrvatska komora inženjera šumarstva i drvne tehnologije i Javna ustanova Park prirode Medvednica.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

1. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.



 1st Announcement for conference GREEN2024

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije