Laboratory of Forest Seed and Nursery Production
In the field of Forest Seed, in the Laboratory for Forest Seed and Seedlings, seed preservation activities are carried out at room temperature, then in cold and humid conditions as well as in cold and dry conditions at temperatures above and below zero in partial vacuum. Subsequently the determination of species, varieties and races is performed by the ocular and microscopic method. Seed quality elements are analysed (purity, weight of 1 000 air-dried seeds, germination and/or seed viability with mechanical method, with biochemical method in the tetrazolium solution and with the method of freed embryonic development) and determination of the seed moisture content (drying method). Likewise, a pre-sowing seed treatment is done through stratification, a combination of moist-warm and moist-cold process, chemical treatment and seed scarification method (acid treatment, mechanical methods, seed wetting in lukewarm or hot water and seed wetting in alcohol, xylene, ether or acetone) and the determination of morphological aspects of forest seed.
In the field of Forest Seedlings the Laboratory is used to determine the quality of the forest planting stock, to measure the most important morphological characteristics of seedlings (shoot height, root collar diameter, dry matter, seedlings viability and root analysis), to measure physiological characteristics of seedlings (water potential, total relative chlorophyll in mesophyll cells of leaves and chlorophyll fluorescence), to cultivate forest seedlings in controlled conditions of light, relative air humidity and CO2 and to measure the characteristics of the soil or substrate (pH, electrical conductivity of the dissolved salts concentration, temperature and soil moisture).
Main Equipment
Forest Seed Handling Equipment
- Refrigerators
- Portable digital USB microscope Dino-Lite Pro
- Olympus SZX7 Desktop Microscope
- Loupes
- Scales
- hotbeds
- Drying oven
- Scanner
- Win Seedle 2011 Computer Program
Equipment for Forest Nurseries
- Digital vernier calliper
- Portable pressure chamber 600 Pressure Chamber Instruments
- Portable Chlorophyll Meter CCM-200
- A portable instrument for measurement of chlorophyll fluorescence FluorPen FP 100
- Scanner
- Win Seedle 2005 Computer Program
- Plant growing chambers Kambič RK-980 CH
- Portable instrument for soil measurement Combi 5000