
Erasmus+ Student Mobility - Student MOBILITY FOR PLACEMENT (SMP)

Within the Erasmus+ Programme, the students of all study levels have the opportunity of studying abroad as well as taking part in traineeship programmes in one of the programme countries (Main activity 1).

The student exchange of the University of Zagreb with the aim of the professional traineeship can be achieved through the Erasmus+ programme. However, the students can find and take part in the professional traineeship also through some of the international student associations, such as:  AIESEC or IAESTE.


Students interested in the Erasmus+ traineeship can contact International Relations Office at


Accommodation or information about SCZG student dormitories:




FŠDT suorganizator i domaćin 1. seminara šumske pedagogije u Hrvatskoj

Na Fakultetu šumarstva i drvne tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je 29. svibnja 1. seminar šumske pedagogije u organizaciji Centra za šumsku pedagogiju Silva.Rei iz Zagreba i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske. Domaćin i suorganizator seminara bio je FŠDT, dok su partneri bili Hrvatska komora inženjera šumarstva i drvne tehnologije i Javna ustanova Park prirode Medvednica.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

1. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.



 1st Announcement for conference GREEN2024

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije