What can I do with the degrees from the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology?
What can I do with the Degree in Forestry Studies?
What can I do with the Degree in Urban Forestry, Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection?
What can I do with the Degree in Professional Studies of Wood Technology?
What can I do with the Degree in Wood Technology Studies, Wood Technology Processes?
What can I do with the Degree in Wood Technology Studies, Design of Wood Products?
What can I do with the degree in Forestry Studies?
The forests are coherently covered areas of the Earth's surface, complex communities of trees, shrubs, ground plants and forest animals, that continuously produce wood, and which deliver numerous general benefits to all people. For that reason, the unique goods are of interest to the Republic of Croatia and are under its special protection. Sustainable use and management of forests, which occupy 47 percent of the land area of our country, is one of the most responsible and professional jobs that integrate several fundamental and applied knowledge of biological and technical areas. The future of our forests, as well as of ourselves, is a challenging and responsible task which presents future bachelors and Master of Forestry with numerous challenges.
Employment opportunities with a degree in Forestry?
The District Forester: organizes, supervises and carries out all the forestry work, manages forest, human and technical resources during the forestry work in the forestry, carries out programmes for the management and protection of forests, organizes and carries out professional fieldworks concerning the establishment, care and regeneration of forest stands.
Forest Management Expert: develops forest management and forest planning plans and programmes, organizes and carries out forestry work, conducts on-site forest inventory, collects data on current forest condition using advanced technologies (satellite imagery, GPS devices, sophisticated computer programs, etc.), develops future forest management strategies and guidelines.
Expert in Ecology and Forest Protection: applies in practice the fundamental principles of forest protection from abiotic and biotic factors and applies basic procedures and means for forest protection, monitors the state of the population of harmful insects, animals and invasive species, finds innovative and ecologically friendly solutions for the conservation of forests and forest ecosystems.
Expert of Hunting and Wildlife Management: develops hunting-management plans, conducts the organization of hunting grounds, monitors the state of the wildlife population and takes care about the wildlife state of health.
Expert in Forest Engineering and Technology: plans, conducts and supervises forest harvesting in an efficient, safe and environmentally acceptable manner and plans, designs and supervises the construction of forest road infrastructure.
Expert in Nursery Production: conducts and organizes duties in forest nurseries, implements new technological solutions in fertilising and in the production of quality propagating material.
Advisor for private forest owners: advises and controls the private forest management.
Forestry Inspector: performs all duties in the posts of a county and state inspector.
Teacher in Vocational Secondary Schools of Forest Education and Related Schools: organizes and carries out classes and courses in vocational schools of secondary education.
Scientific or Expert Associate in Research Institutions in the Fields of Ecology and Forestry: performs the duties of a scientific or expert associate in scientific and research institutions, participates in scientific researches and in the implementation of scientific projects.
What can I do with the degree in Urban Forestry, Nature and Environment Protection?
Forest management requires a multifunctional approach and must meet diverse social needs. In addition to the constantly increasing need for the renewable sources of raw materials, it is essential to preserve the natural environment (forests as the air and water purifiers, oxygen producers, carbon sink, etc.), but also to highlight the social need of the society (forest as the area of aesthetic value and positive affect on human health, as well as the area for recreation and tourism activities). Urban Forestry is an integrated approach to planning, establishing and managing the trees and forests in urban environments. At global level, more than a half of the world's population lives in urban areas. Urban trees and forests make an important segment of the sustainable development of urban areas due to numerous benefits they offer to the urban population such as air purification, noise reduction, mitigation of impacts of climatic extremes, providing rest and recreational areas for the population, habitats for plant and animal species and aesthetic values of the urban greening. Forests and trees in urban areas live in modified habitat conditions, and in order to provide benefits for urban population, they require special care and treatment which can be provided by experts with Bachelor and Master’s degrees in Urban Forestry, Nature and Environment Protection.
What are the most common employment opportunities with the degree in Urban Forestry, Nature and Environment Protection?
Expert Assistant in Conservation Areas: participates in duties related to nature and environment protectionand implementation of action plans for forest management in conservation areas, controls and participates in the implementation of measures for protection and monitoring of endangered plant and animal species and habitats.
Park and Green Areas Design Expert: develops conceptual and major projects for future parks, forest-parks, educational trails, hanging gardens etc. while carrying out all the tasks from conceptual design, choice of plant species, design of technical solutions to the organization of biological and technical realization works.
Expert in Preparation of Environmental Impact AssessmentReports and Studies: develops studies on the acceptability of planned interventions considering the environment and determines the necessary measures for nature and environment protection and conservation.
Environmental Expert in Municipal Utility Companies and Institutions: conducts assessment works concerning the impact of interventions on the environment, the development and implementation of documents in the field of nature and environment protection, implements the activities for the integral protection of trees and shrubs of abiotic and biotic factors using the appropriate procedures and resources.
Horticultural nursery Expert: organizes and implements the nursery production of ornamental plants in state and private nurseries.
Arboriculture Expert: undertakes activities related to the tree care in urban environments and forest-parks, develops elaborate and expert studies on care and rehabilitation of endangered and valuable trees.
Teacher in Vocational Schools of Secondary Education: organizes and conducts classes and courses in vocational schools of secondary education.
Scientific or Expert Associate in Research Institutions in the field of Urban Forestry, Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection: carries out activities of a scientific and expert associate in scientific and research institutions in the field of Urban Forestry, Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection.
Expert in Environmental Pedagogy and Public Relations in Urban Forestry, Nature and Environment Protection: works in various public and state institutions and NGOs to raise public awareness of the importance of urban greening, informs on the social and ecological functions of forests, on endangered species and habitats, on the impact of invasive species on human life, etc
Expert in Rehabilitation of degraded Terrains and Habitats: works on the development of projects and elaborations of technical and bio-remediation of degraded habitats (landfills and waste dumps, quarries, floods etc.).
What can I do with the degree in Professional Studies of Wood Technology?
Wood is a challenging, complex and renewable natural material that represents a significant potential for Croatian economy. The use of new technologies increases the production efficiency and makes the wood industry profitable. Due to its raw-material basis, the Republic of Croatia has real opportunities to increase the production of wood products with the aim of increasing the sale and export and reducing the import of final wood products. Wood Technology Department at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology with the undergraduate vocational studies of Wood Technology ensures the education of qualified personnel required for the development of the industrial wood processing and furniture production in Croatia.
Employment opportunities with the degree in undergraduate studies of Wood Technology?
Constructor of wood products: proposes basic physical and structural design solutions, defines basic design documentation, designs using CAD systems in wood industry.
Sawmill expert: supervises the process of sawing wood, selects, uses and maintains woodworking machines in optimal way, identifies and evaluates sawmill raw materials and products, separates and measures the sawmill raw materials and products, uses the basic skills of the sawmill wood technology and the ways of sawing logs as well as of further processing of sawn wood.
Expert in production of wood-based panel materials: recognizes particular types of veneers and wood panels, analyses the basic building components of wood panels, monitors and controls the production process in wood panel factories, selects and uses wood panels of optimal properties for a particular purpose.
Final products production Expert: uses the wood adhesive technology, selects materials of optimal properties important for final processing, coordinates simpler technological processes in the final stage of wood processing, handles the wood surface treatment process - from the wood surface preparation to the application and hardening of the material.
Assistant Manager in the Woodworking Industry: Applies organizational elements related to time study, streamlining the operations, performs controls on processes, procurements, stocks, production, business, finance and calculations in wood industry.
Associate in the trade in timber and of wood products: makes specific calculations in the wood industry, defines and analyses costs, organizes and implements distribution, promotion and market research, plans the products and production programmes, forms product prices, organizes and conducts trade in timber and wood products
What can I do with the degree in Wood Technology Studies, Wood Technology Processes?
Monitoring the state, directions and development strategy of the industrial wood processing and furniture production in the country, the need for highly educated professionals has been perceived, primarily in order to reach the degree of finalization in our plants for industrial wood and timber treatment, as well as to introduce modern, sophisticated technologies and to improve the production of wood products. There are many companies and crafts in Croatia dealing with woodworking and wood processing or with timber trade. Among many of them, there are potential vacancies for future highly educated professionals. The use of new technologies increases the process efficiency of logging and timber processing, mechanical processing, production of furniture and other wood products, as well as of marketing and sales and makes the wood industry perspective and significant for Croatian economy.
What are the most common employment opportunities with the degree in graduate Studies of Wood Working Processes?
Development engineer/ Developer: designs wood processing technologies, develops, improves and optimizes production, applies knowledge in the field of engineering and management in the wood industry, refines the existing technologies and introduces new technologies in the wood industry.
Wood Fibre and Paper Production Engineer: applies and improves technological processes of mechanical and thermo-chemical wood treatment in wood fibre and paper production.
Primary Wood ProcessingEngineer: manages wood working processes in the field of sawmill industry and of hydrothermal wood treatments, as well as in protection of logs and sawn wood.
Plate Material Production Engineer: manages technology processes in the production of veneered panels, solid wood panels, wood chips panels and fibreboards.
Final Products Production Engineer: manages the classic and the state-of-the-art CNC technologies in the production of building construction products, furniture and other wood products and coordinates the processes of surface treatments of wood and wood products.
Manager in wood processing companies: manages jobs in the field of industrial management in wood processing and furniture production, micro planning, allocation of work, optimization of production decisions, production and work control management, coordinates activities and performs tasks in the wood industry.
Trader and Logistics OfficerofWood and Wood Products : organizes and manages activities related to trade and transport of wood products, solves transport and storage problems, chooses the transport technique, analyses the efficiency and costs of the transport and storage of wood and wood materials.
Vocational Education Teacher: teaches in vocational high-schools and other related schools.
Scientific or expert associate in research institutions in the field of wood technology: performs the tasks of a scientific or expert associate in scientific and research institutions in the field of wood and wood technology, develops his/her scientific or professional skills through various forms of education and postgraduate studies, prepares a simpler scientific or professional paper.
What can I do with the degree in Wood Technology Studies, Design of Wood Products?
The aim of the studies is to prepare students to solve problems of design furniture and other final products in an independent and creative way, regardless of whether they will work in bigger or smaller factories or industries, related to the field of design, construction and modern production and treatment technologies, quality testing and quality assurance of the final products, the use of the modern IT technologies in design and construction as well as in equipping facilities and stores with furniture and other final products.
What are the most common employment opportunities with the degree in graduate Studies of Design of Wood Products?
Wood Products Design and Construction Expert: produces technical documentation, designs, constructs and presents the products, decides on the selection of materials, reproductive material, treatment technology and quality assurance of the final product,coordinates projects from the preliminary design to the serial production, applies 3D modelling, creates programmes in the process of construction for the improvement of the productivity, and thereof of the entire production system.
Expert in Furniture Design: applies theoretical, practical and methodological basics of furniture design as a complex interdisciplinary process, applies modern methods and techniques in design of healthy furniture and ensures the protection of man and the environment by producing and using such furniture.
Expert in Design of Special Wood Products: applies theoretical, practical and methodological basics of the design of special products, i.e. pencils, heels, barrels, musical instruments, toys, ski...
Interior Design Expert: studies the interior space, performs measurements, displays, plans, designs and supplies functional locality and applies methods of analysis and coordination of the functional groups of furniture in relation to the interior space.
Trader of Wood Products: manages and coordinated the domestic and international trade of wood and wood products.
Vocational Education Teacher: teaches at vocational high-schools and other related schools.
Scientific or expert associate in research institutions in the field of wood technology: performs the tasks of a scientific or expert associate in scientific and research institutions in the field of wood and wood technology, develops his/her scientific or professional skills through various forms of education and postgraduate studies, prepares a simpler scientific or professional paper.