There are several different definitions of e-learning and they usually depend on the profession and experience of the people using them. They can be classified into those who put an emphasis on technology and those who put an emphasis on education (learning and teaching).
The name itself, except for the basic explanation (electronic learning) can be interpreted in several ways:
- Experience Learning
- “Everywhere” Learning
- Enhanced Learning
- Extended Learning
E-Learning according to the E-Learning Strategy of the University of Zagreb can be defined as a process of education (learning and teaching process) performed by the use of some form of information and communication technology, in order to improve the quality of that process and the quality of educational outcomes. More about it can be found on the University websites.
E-Learning Classification
E-learning includes different aspects ICT use in education. Therefore, depending on the intensity and the way of using ICT, there are several forms of e-learning:
• classical teaching - classroom teaching (f2f - face- to -face)
• teaching with the help of ICT - technology as support in classical teaching (ICT supported teaching and learning)
• hybrid or mixed teaching - a combination of a classroom teaching and teaching with the support of technologies (hybrid, mixed mode or blended learning)
• online teaching - classes are completely organized online with the ICT support (fully online)
With the introduction of the E-Learning system we aim to achieve an active relationship between teachers and students as partners in the educational process tailored to the features and needs of each student, with clearly settled educational goals and clearly assigned responsibilities for achieving these goals. The intention is to achieve the optimum combination of a classical classroom teaching and teaching with the help of information and communication technology. The skills acquired during the studies should be the basis for lifelong learning and for further independent learning and scientifically based collection and interpretation of data and information.
In accordance with the established strategy, the University Computing Centre (SRCE) has set up the E-Learning Centre which acts as a support centre for institutions, teachers and students when using the E-Learning tools and technologies.
Within the centre there is a web-system for e-learning Merlin.
This e-Learning System has been established as a platform for the application of e-learning projects, i.e. the presentation of the courses of studies by applying the e-learning technologies.
Merlin is based on the open code Moodle system that has been additionally elaborated and tailored to the users’ needs.
The system is maintained by the E-learning Centre staff ensuring a reliable and continuous operation of the system and its access to university institutions, teachers and students, while providing technical support related to the use of the system.
Within Merlin, you can search for the materials of single subjects you are following at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology. You can also find there the e-portfolio system as well as the Webinar System.
You can sign in to the Merlin e-Learning System by using your electronic identity from the AAI@EduHr system.
Please, request your electronic Identity from Vladimir Koštal (CARNet coordinator) on the first floor of the old building.
The Terms of the system use are defined by Pravilnikom o organizaciji i korištenju sustava za e-učenje Merlin..