
Curriculum (from academic year 2021/22)

1. Semester

Compulsory Courses

ŠP1001N - Basics-of-chemistry - 6.0 ECTS - P45 + A15

ŠP1002N - Mathematics - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A45

ŠP1003N - Petrology with geology - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15

ŠP1004N - Forest Botany - Plant Morphology - 3.0 ECTS - P15 + L30

ŠP1005N - Zoology in forestry - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T8

ŠP1006N - Anatomical structure of wood - 3.0 ECTS - P30 + L30

FŠDT1000N - Physical and health culture 1 - 1.0 ECTS - TJ30



Optional Courses 

Optional Courses in the 1. semester ŠP > Students are required to take one optional course

Physical and health culture 1 - 0.0 ECTS - TJ30


Optional Courses in the 1. semester ŠP > Students are required to take 1 of the 2 offered courses in foreign languages 

Foreign language - English 1 - 0.0 ECTS - SJ30

Foreign language - German 1 - 0.0 ECTS - SJ30



2. Semester 

Compulsory Courses

ŠP2001 - Forest Botany – Plant Systematics - 8.0 ECTS - P45 + L45 + T32

ŠP2002 - Biometrics - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30

ŠP2003 - Soil Science- 8.0 ECTS - P30 + L30 + T24

ŠP2004 - Ground surveying with basics of cartography - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A45 + T48

ŠP2005 - Psysiology of forest trees - 3.0 ECTS - P30 + L15


Optional Courses

Optional Courses in the 2. semester ŠP > Students are required to take the offered optional course

Physical and health culture 2 - 0.0 ECTS - TJ30


Optional Courses in the 2. semester ŠP > Students are required to take 1 of the 2 offered courses in foreign languages 

Foreign language - English 2 - 0.0 ECTS - SJ30
Foreign language - German 2 - 0.0 ECTS - SJ30



Semester 3.
Compulsory subjects

ŠP3001N - Forest mensuration- 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A30 + T16

ŠP3002N - Forest phytocenology - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T24

ŠP3003N - Remote sensing and GIS in forestry- 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

ŠP3004N - Bases of hunting management - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

ŠP3005N -The basic of forest mechanisation - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

FŠDT3000N - Physical and health culture 3 - 1.0 ECTS - TJ30


Optional Courses

Optional Courses in the 3. semester ŠP > Students are required to take the offered optional course

Physical and health culture 3 - 0.0 ECTS - TJ30


Semester 4.
Compulsory subjects

ŠP4001N - Establishment of forests - 6.0 ECTS - P45 + A30 + T24

ŠP4002N - Forest Ecology - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T24

ŠP4003N - Forest Entomology - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T24

ŠP4004N - Dendrology - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A30 + T24

ŠP4005N -Forest genetics - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15

FŠDT4000N - Physical and health culture 4 - 1.0 ECTS - TJ30


Optional Courses

Optional Courses in the 4. semester ŠP > Students are required to take the offered optional course

Physical and health culture 4 - 0.0 ECTS - TJ30



Semester 5.

Compulsory subjects

ŠP5001N - Silviculture I - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A30 + T40

ŠP5002N - Basic foundation of forest regulation and planning - 6.0 ECTS - P45 + A30 + T16

ŠP5003N - Timber hrvesting operations- 6.0 ECTS - P30 + L30 + T32

ŠP5004N -Basics of forest economics- 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15

ŠP5005N - Nature and environmental protection - 3.0 ECTS - P30 + A15

ŠP5006N - Work safety in forestry - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8



Semester 6.

Compulsory subjects

ŠP6001N - Forest roads - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T32

ŠP6002N - Organization basics in forestry- 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T24

ŠP6003N - Forest Phytopathology - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

ŠP6004N - Organization basics in forestry - 2.0 ECTS - P30

ŠP6014N - Professional practice - 2.0 ECTS - T

ŠP6015N - Bachelor thesis - 8.0 ECTS - A


Optional subjects

Elective courses 3rd year, 6th semester ŠP > Mandatory to enroll in 3 elective courses


ŠP6005N - Foreign language (English/German) - 1.0 ECTS - P15

ŠP6006N - Manners of game hunting - 1.0 ECTS - P15

ŠP6007N - Ornamental Dendrology - 1.0 ECTS - P15

ŠP6008N - Fires of open space- 1.0 ECTS - P15

ŠP6009N - Management of forest genetics resources- 1.0 ECTS - P15

ŠP6010N - Animal Physiology - 1.0 ECTS - P15

ŠP6011N - Melliferous herbaceous plants - 1.0 ECTS - P15

ŠP6012N - Basics of digital cartography - 1.0 ECTS - P15

ŠP6013N - History of Croatian forestry - 1.0 ECTS - P15



FŠDT suorganizator i domaćin 1. seminara šumske pedagogije u Hrvatskoj

Na Fakultetu šumarstva i drvne tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je 29. svibnja 1. seminar šumske pedagogije u organizaciji Centra za šumsku pedagogiju Silva.Rei iz Zagreba i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske. Domaćin i suorganizator seminara bio je FŠDT, dok su partneri bili Hrvatska komora inženjera šumarstva i drvne tehnologije i Javna ustanova Park prirode Medvednica.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

1. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.



 1st Announcement for conference GREEN2024

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije