Department of Wood Technology

Institute for Materials Technology

IV. Pavilion, 2. floor

Fax: +385 1 235 2544

Scientific Activity and Projects

The scientific and research activities of the Institute are focused on investigating the chemical structure of wood, of liquid wood, insulation and characterisation of the nanoparticles of wood and other ligno-cellulosic agents; the influence of sawmill technology of various types of wood on their quantitative and qualitative utilization; the influence of hydrothermal drying and steaming processes on chemical properties of wood and optimization of technical properties;

designing the new types of bio-based resins and optimizing and characterizing the properties of the new biocomposite materials.

Professional Activity

The professional activity of the Institute is focused on technological and professional projects related to economy, coordination of technological processes, professional expertise, expert opinion making, conducting educational seminars and vocational lectures, publishing professional papers, testing and controlling the quality of wood materials, investigating the possibility of using wood residues, issuing certificates of conformity, documents, training certificates and other documentation of authorization.   

History of the Institute

The roots of the Institute for Materials Technology date back to October 1, 1960, when the Institute of Wood Technology got separated from the Institute of Mechanical Wood Processing. With the Statute on July 1, 1967 the Institute of Mechanical Wood Processing changed its name to the Chair of Mechanical Wood Processing. In 1981, some courses stopped being taught at that Chair and a new Chair of Final Wood Processing was created from that core group. By the decision of July 15, 1995 the course in Hydrothermal Wood Processing was separated from the Chair of Mechanical Wood Processing. The Chair is joined by the Chair for Chemical Wood Processing, thus creating the Institute of Wood Plates and Chemical Wood Processing. As of January 1, 1998, the courses in Hydrothermal Wood Processing and Solid Wood Technology have been taught at the Institute.  With the Statute on June 2, 2005 the Institute of Wood Plates and Chemical Wood Processing changed its name to the Institute for Material Technologies. 

The Institute covers the interdisciplinary structured basic wood technology areas and include the fields of wood chemistry, chemical wood processing technologies, sawmill technologies, hydrothermal wood processing as well as veneer technologies and bio-composite materials of chipped, fibrous and layered structure. 

The Institute performs successfully all three missions of the University: the exceptional teaching activity at all study levels (vocational, undergraduate, graduate, specialist, doctoral), an extensive research activity (numerous scientific and professional projects) and an increasing transfer of technology (informal educations, publishing activity, innovations).

Special activities of the Institute are directed to the cooperation with the wood industry in establishing a quality control system for wood materials (authorized laboratory), the introduction and development of sophisticated methods of hydrothermal treatments in the process of drying and steaming of wood, designing the new types of resins and developing the new types of biocomposite materials, process optimization of the sawmill technologies, chemical analysis and possibilities of using the wood residues and finally the establishment of a phytosanitary system (authorization) in the area of ​​wood material for packaging in international traffic.

The members of the Institute participate in numerous activities at the level of the Faculty, the University, the ministries, professional associations and, generally, in the wider community.   


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