Institute of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management
Phone: +385 1 235 2440
Fax: +385 1 235 2510
Scientific Activity and Projects
From the educational and scientific point of view the Institute of Forest Protection and Wildlife Management comprises the areas of hunting and forest protection. The scientific activity of the Institute is directed towards the areas in which the scientists of the Institute are experts in particular areas such as zoology, entomology, phytopathology, forest protection and hunting management.
History of the Institute
The History of the Institute of Ecology and Silviculture is closely related to the history of the higher-education of forestry and of sciences in Croatia and can be traced all the way back to the 1860, when the Cabinet of Professions in Forestry Production was established at the College of Economy and Forestry in Križevci, which was the prototype of the present Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb and where the course in Forest Planting and Cultivation was held.
With the establishment of the Academy of Forestry at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb in 1898, the Cabinet of Professions in Forestry Production was relocated into the Academy of Forestry together with the library and the following courses were established: Silviculture, Forest Utilization, Forest Mechanical Engineering, Forest Conservation and Anatomy of Wood Structure. The first Head if the Chair of Forestry Production Professions at the Academy of Forestry was prof. Fran Ž. Kesterčanek. The Institute of Ecology and Silviculture has been operating within the similar organizational structure as it has today since 1921, when the Institute of Silviculture was founded by the decree of the Commission for Education and Religion of the Royal Croatian-Slavonian Land Government. The first Head of the Institute was prof. Andrija Petračić, PhD,who founded a laboratory, a cabinet with the collection of seeds, cones, buds and the herbarium, as well as a forest garden for experimental and teaching purposes, and the library of the Institute. The purpose of the establishment of the Institute was stated in the Statute of Institute operating at that time: “To serve the professional staff of the Institute in their scientific and research activities, advanced followers of its courses and graduates, to enable seminars in breeding and to provide expert opinions to authorities and other interested parties.” Between 1921 and 1930, the courses in Silviculture and Dendrology, and in Anatomy of Trees and Shrubs were taught at the Institute. In 1919 a Forest Garden was established within the Institute. From 1930 to 1945, teaching activities had been developed at the Institute, research activities began developing and the cooperation with the professions related to forestry had been intensified in Croatia and abroad. From 1945 to 1960, new teaching courses had been developed and the postgraduate studies were introduced. Seminars for the experts in economy were held, especially in the field of landscaping (design of parks) and public greening, and in the application of phytocenology in forestry and the cultivation of fast growing species of trees, etc. From 1960 to 2000 the Institute developed in terms of education, scientific activities and in personnel. New subjects have been introduced and field classes have been intensified at the teaching and experimental forest facilities of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb, as well as in the forests on the Croatian territory in cooperation with forestry experts. In 1995 the former Chair of Pedology was added to the Institute. Since 2000, the Institute has developed significantly. And consequently, in 2001 as part of the new curriculum, three modules were introduced at the Department of Forestry and the Institute changed its name to the Institute of Ecology and Silviculture. In 2005 the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb introduced the curriculum in accordance with the so-called Bologna process, providing two undergraduate and two graduate studies in the Department of Forestry, having a significant number of professors and associates from the Institute of Ecology and Silviculture teaching there. Over that period the members of the Institute increased their scientific and research activities in cooperation with the ministry of science and with the company Hrvatske šume d.o.o. that is managing publicly owned forests in Croatia. In 2007 The Institute was relocated into the new building of the Department of Forestry at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb. From 1898 to 1949 the Institute was located in the Forestry Home in the street Vukotinovićeva 2 in Zagreb. After that it was located in the building of the former Faculty of Economy and Forestry of the University of Zagreb in the street Svetošimunska cesta 25, and from 2007 its new location is in the new building of the Department of Forestry at the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb at the address Svetošimunska cesta 23.