
Upiši FŠDT

Graduate Studies - Programme: Silviculture and Forest Management with Wildlife Management

The duration of graduate studies is four semesters (2 years, 120 ECTS-credits).

More about the enrolment in Graduate Forestry Studies

Upon completion of graduate studies and final thesis defence, the student receives a university diploma stating the completion of studies and the acquisition of an academic title according to the programme of studies: Master’s degree in Forest Engineering - Silviculture and Forest Management with Wildlife Management

The skills acquired by completing these programme studies: the knowledge of the position and trends of forestry profession in the country and in the world, full proficiency in forest ecosystems management in every sense, implementation of the forest management plans, establishment and growth of forests, melioration and landscaping of forest areas in the Mediterranean area, protection of forests from abiotic and biotic factors, especially from fires, management of  professional activities related to the implementation of hunting management plans and programmes, organization of hunting grounds, the preparation of the environmental studies, development of forest zoning plans, the activities of an expert manager and supervisor in nature and environment protection, wood assortment placement, safety in the forestry workplace, organization of production in forestry, coordination of all activities in forestry, he/she is prepared for his/her professional and scientific development and postgraduate studies through various educational forms.

Master of Forest Engineering - Silviculture and Forest Management with Wildlife Managementis fully prepared for an individual and teamwork in the fields of forest growing and tending, forest and hunting planning, and has additional applied knowledge in the fields of techniques, technologies and management in forestry.

Job competences and qualifications: most complex jobs in all forms of forestry organizations from forest district to complex trade company, county and state inspectors, forestry and hunting advisory service, a professional associate in research institutions in the field of forestry and hunting, directors, expert manager and supervisor in protected natural facilities, manager and associate in forestry products trade and traffic affairs, jobs and tasks in forestry entrepreneurship, teacher in vocational secondary and related schools, publicist writing and media jobs and tasks related to forestry profession.



Bilateralna međusveučilišna razmjena 2025./2026.

Sveučilište u Zagrebu objavlilo je natječaj za studentske razmjene u ak. god. 2025./2026. u okviru bilateralne međusveučilišne razmjene.



Natječaj Erasmus+ za kratku mobilnost doktorskih studenata

Objavljen Natječaj Erasmus+ za kratku mobilnost doktorskih studenata - za razdoblje 03.03.-31.07.2025.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

2. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.

Diplomski studij Close to Nature Forestry

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije