
Graduate Studies of Wood Product Design

The duration of graduate studies is four semesters (2 years, 120 ECTS-credits).

More about the enrolment in Graduate Studies

Upon completion of graduate studies and final thesis defence, the student receives a university diploma stating the completion of studies and the acquisition of an academic title according to the programme of studies: Master of Wood Technology - Wood Product Design

Given the specificity of the Studies of Wood Product Design, whose program is mainly addressed to the sector of wood industry, it is expected that the cooperation with the economic and public sector will be of a wide and mutual advantage. The objective of the students’ education is to establish an interdisciplinary collaboration of this profile of students with economic entities, and finds support in the practical use of their solutions through communication and cooperation with the industry and trade, either from the state or private sector. The project tasks that a student solves in collaboration with production companies, lead him/her systematically through the knowledge, problem analysis, conceptual solutions and proposals for solving the default problem in all directions - of design, structural, technical, technological - in the very process of production, programming and of market research, promotional activities and distribution of wood products, to bring the solution to the creation of a model or a prototype while mastering communication skills with associates of different profiles.

Master of Wood Technology - Wood Product Design is qualified to carry out professional duties in bigger and smaller companies (from the company's plant to the saloon) dealing with the production or distribution of furniture or other wood products.  He/She is also ready to take part in solving the interdisciplinary problems related not only to a part of designing or constructing products and their presentation, but also to a decision about the choice of materials, reproductive materials, treatment technology and the quality assurance of the final product.   Thanks to the knowledge of the methodology of design of final wood products, the graduate students are qualified to carry out a series of functions, from the product development, quality improvement, product design and construction, equipment of facilities, all the way to the presentation and sale of products on the fairs.



FŠDT suorganizator i domaćin 1. seminara šumske pedagogije u Hrvatskoj

Na Fakultetu šumarstva i drvne tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je 29. svibnja 1. seminar šumske pedagogije u organizaciji Centra za šumsku pedagogiju Silva.Rei iz Zagreba i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske. Domaćin i suorganizator seminara bio je FŠDT, dok su partneri bili Hrvatska komora inženjera šumarstva i drvne tehnologije i Javna ustanova Park prirode Medvednica.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

1. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.



 1st Announcement for conference GREEN2024

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije