
Upiši FŠDT

New Curriculum ( 2022/2023 )

Semester 1.
Compulsory subjects
DT1001N - Mathematics - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A45

DT1002N - Physics - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30

DT1003N - Wood chemistry - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + L45

DT1004N - Wood anatomy - 8.0 ECTS - P45 + L60

DT1005N - Basics of design drawing - 2.0 ECTS - P15 + A30

FŠDT1000N - Physical and health culture 1 - 1.0 ECTS


Semester 2.
Compulsory subjects
DT2001N - Engineering mechanics - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30

DT2002N - The basics of dendrology - 3.0 ECTS - P15 + A30

DT2003N - Applied technical graphics - 5.0 ECTS - P15 + A45

DT2004N - Wood industry mechanical engineering- 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30

DT2005N - Fundamentals of electrotechnics - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A30

DT2006N - Technical properties of wood 1 - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A60

FŠDT2000N - Physical and health culture 2 - 1.0 ECTS


Semester 3.
Compulsory subjects
DT3001N - Woodworking machinery I - 6.0 ECTS - P45 + A45 + T16

DT3002N - Technical properties of wood II - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

DT3003N - Pathology and protection of wood - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A45 + T16

DT3004N - Transport equipment in wood industry - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A45 + T16

DT3005N - Sawmilling technology- 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A45 + T8

FŠDT3000N - Physical and health culture 3 - 1.0 ECTS


Semester 4.
Compulsory subjects
DT4001N - Wood constructions - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A45

DT4002N - Wood drying technology - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A45 + T8

DT4003N - Vener and veneer plywood - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A45

DT4004N - Glues and wood glueing - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T8

DT4005N - Panels from disintegrated wood - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A45 + T8

DT4006N - Professional project 1 - 3.0 ECTS - T75

FŠDT4000N - Physical and health culture 4 - 1.0 ECTS


Semester 5.
Compulsory subjects
DT5001N - Production organization - 7.0 ECTS - P45 + A45 + T8

DT5002N - Wood finishing - 6.0 ECTS - P45 + A45 + T16

DT5003N - Basic statistics - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A30

DT5004N -Wood in construction - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T8

DT5005N -Marketing of wood products- 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T8

DT5006N - Professional project 2 - 3.0 ECTS - T90

DT5007N - Business communication in a foreign language - 2.0 ECTS - A30


Semester 6.

Compulsory subjects
DT6001N - Production planning and calculation - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A45 + T8

DT6002N - Wood finishing - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A45 + T8

DT6009N - Practice - 3.0 ECTS - T80

DT6010N - Bachelor thesis - 8.0 ECTS


Optional subjects
Elective courses 3rd year, 6th semester DT > Enroll in 3 courses of your own choice

DT6003N - Operations management - 3.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T8

DT6004N - Technological properties of wood- 3.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 +T8

DT6005N - Woodworking machinery II - 3.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

DT6006N - Furniture constructions - 3.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

DT6007N - Upholstered furniture - 3.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

DT6008N -Furniture design - 3.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 +T16









Bilateralna međusveučilišna razmjena 2025./2026.

Sveučilište u Zagrebu objavlilo je natječaj za studentske razmjene u ak. god. 2025./2026. u okviru bilateralne međusveučilišne razmjene.



Natječaj Erasmus+ za kratku mobilnost doktorskih studenata

Objavljen Natječaj Erasmus+ za kratku mobilnost doktorskih studenata - za razdoblje 03.03.-31.07.2025.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

2. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije