
New curriculum (2022-2023)

Semester 1.
Compulsory subjects

DP-1134N - Thermohydromechanical processing of wood - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T8

DP-1135N - Sawmilling techniques - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30

DP-1136N - Quantitative methods for operational research - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15

DP-1137N - Production Management - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

DP-1138N - CNC Techniques in Woodworking - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16


Optional subjects

Elective courses of the 1st semester DP > Enroll in one elective course, out of the two offered.

DP-1139N - Wood modifications - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15

DP-1140N - Operation Management - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8


Semester 2.

Compulsory subjects
DP-1242N - Veneer and plywood technology - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30

DP-1243N - Technology of panels made from fragmented wood - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T8

DP-1244N - Automation and measurement in woodworking industry - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15

DP-1245N - Material handling - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16

DP-1246N -Professional practice - 4.0 ECTS - T160


Optional subjects

Elective subjects of the 2nd semester DP > Enroll in two elective subjects, one of which is mandatory from the list, and the other is freely chosen.

DP-1247N - Wood fiber and paper technology - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

DP-1248N - Special Technology of Wood Drying - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

DP-1249N - Multi-axial Woodworking - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

DP-1250N - Wood industry power supply  - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15


Semester 3.

Compulsory subjects
DP-2349N - Technology of wood building components - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T24

DP-2350N - Processes of wood finishing - 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A30 + T16

DP-2351N - Technology of wood protection - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

DP-2352N - Applied Statistics - 5.0 ECTS - P30 + A15


Optional subjects

Elective courses of the 3rd semester DP > Enroll in two elective courses, one of which is compulsory from the list, and the other according to free choice.

DP-2353N - Timber harvesting - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

DP-2354N - Quality management and assurance - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

DP-2355N - Designing wood industry plants - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8

DP-2356N - Protection of industrial environment - 4.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T8


Semester 4.

Compulsory subjects
DP-2457N - Professional project - 4.0 ECTS - T120

DP-2458N - Diploma work - 14 ECTS


Optional subjects

DP - 2459N - Wood biorefinery technologies - 4.0 - P30 + A15

DP - 2460N - Design of wood materials production process  - 4.0 - P30 + A15

DP - 2461N - Biomass and solid wood biofuels production - 4.0 - P30 + A15

DP - 2462N - Wood machining optimization - 4.0 - P30 + A15

DP - 2463N - Quality of wood building products - 4.0 - P30 + A15










FŠDT suorganizator i domaćin 1. seminara šumske pedagogije u Hrvatskoj

Na Fakultetu šumarstva i drvne tehnologije Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je 29. svibnja 1. seminar šumske pedagogije u organizaciji Centra za šumsku pedagogiju Silva.Rei iz Zagreba i pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva poljoprivrede Republike Hrvatske. Domaćin i suorganizator seminara bio je FŠDT, dok su partneri bili Hrvatska komora inženjera šumarstva i drvne tehnologije i Javna ustanova Park prirode Medvednica.


Erasmus+ stručna praksa 2024./25.

1. KRUG Natječaja za mobilnost studenata - Erasmus+ stručna praksa, akademska godina 2024./25.



 1st Announcement for conference GREEN2024

Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije