Department of Wood Technology

Quality of wood building products

Opterećenje: 30+15+0
Sadržaj predmeta: Significance and importance of the safety and quality of construction products from the aspect of user safety, environmental protection and energy efficiency. Regulations for wood construction products. Meaning and the content of product safety and quality labels. Norms in the legally regulated area i voluntary norms. The role of laboratory accreditation and authorization - quality system review and technical requirements according to the norm for the organization and accreditation of laboratories. Factory control production - significance, scope, methods and procedures, equipment, control points, personnel, environmental conditions, supervision. Evaluating the results of checking the properties of floor coverings, doors and windows, solid and layered construction wood and surface treatment of products. Impact of quality materials, production process, conditions of installation and maintenance of the product on quality in expected lifetime.

Obvezna literatura:

1. Domljan, D.; Grbac, I.; Jirouš Rajković, V.; Vlaović, Z.; Živković, V.; Župčić, I. 2015: Kvaliteta i tehnički opisi proizvoda od drva, Svezak I opremanje zgrada za odgoj i obrazovanje, sveučilišni priručnik Sveučilište u Zagrebu Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb.

2. Turkulin, H. 2015: Svojstva i primjena drvenih podova, LDG stručna biblioteka, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb

3. Turkulin, H. 2019: Posebnosti izvedbe drvenih podova, LDG stručna biblioteka, Sveučilište u Zagrebu Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb

4. Zbirka propisa o građevnim proizvodima od drva

5. Živković, Vjekoslav ; Miklečić, Josip (ur.) (2015) Enhancing EU-competitiveness of Croatian Wood Flooring Industry / zbornik radova. Zagreb: Šumarski fakultet, 2015. str. 1-71


Assistant prof. Vjekoslav Živković PhD

Assistant professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije