Laboratory of Technical and Technological Measurements in Forestry
Laboratory of Technical and Technological Measurements in Forestry on the Institute forestry Techniques and Technologies was founded in 2005 as the successor of the “Mechanical Testing Laboratory” of the Institute for Forest Utilisation according to the former internal organization of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, University of Zagreb since 1992.
The beginnings of the Laboratory activities go back to the 70ies of the last century with the equipping of the Department of Mechanical Engineering as the integral part of the today's institute, with measuring equipment for measuring mechanical sizes of forest machines, devices and vehicles, and with noise and vibration measurement instruments.
Throughout the entire period of operation of the Laboratory, a modern measuring equipment is supplied from the funds of scientific-research projects, contract projects with “Hrvatske šume” d.o.o. ("Croatian Forests" Ltd) Zagreb, as well as within the supply of scientific equipment from the funds of the University of Zagreb or of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, University of Zagreb.
Within the scientific research projects of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology of the University of Zagreb, the measurements of technical and exploitation features of forest devices, machinery and vehicles have been carried out, in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations and relevant ISO standards.
At the same time, through the activities of the Laboratory, the education of students of the graduate, specialist and doctoral studies has been carried out with the methods of measurements, calculation and evaluation of technical, exploitation, environmental, energy and ergonomic features of forest machines and vehicles.