Courses included in the project
The project is co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
The site was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund.
Graduate studies in Forestry and Urban Forestry, Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection
1. Course: Methods of Plant Taxonomy - Pro. Jozo Franjić PhD, Prof. Željko Škvorc PhD, Assist. Prof. Martina Temunovi PhD
from the academic year 2020/2021.
Graduate studies in Forestry
2. Course: General and Landscape Ecology - Prof. Ivica Tikvić PhD, Assoc. Prof. Damir Ugarković PhD
from the academic year 2020/2021.
Graduate studies in Wood Products Design
3. Course: International Market of Wood Products - Prof. Darko Motik PhD, Assist. Prof. Andreja Pirc Barčić PhD
from the academic year 2019./2020.
4. Course: Special Products of Wood - Prof. Tomislav Sinković PhD, Assist. Prof. Tomislav Sedlar PhD, Branimir Jambreković MS
from the academic year 2019./2020.
Graduate studies in Wood Technology Processes
5. Course: Wood Fibers and Paper Technology - Prof. Vladimir Jambreković PhD, Assoc. Prof. Alan Antonović PhD, Assist. Prof. Nikola Španić PhD
from the academic year 2019./2020.