Department of Forestry

European forestry

Opterećenje: 15+0+40
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures (15 hours): 1. Silvieography of Europe, first part: overview and general characteristics of forests areas. 2. Silvigeography of Europe, second part: structure of European forests (area, wood stock and growth by ownership, tree species, methods management, in general and on the examples of some countries). 3. Silvigeography of Europe, third part: forest habitats, forest types and silvicultural features of the main tree species. 4. History of European forests: influence of land use on development forest cultivation. 5. Forestry in different areas of Europe: history, legislation, organization. 6. Characteristic methods of forest cultivation based on the examples of European countries (2 hours). 7. The influence of different forest management methods on forest dynamics, sustainability of forests and production of forest products. 8. Forest management and climate change: predictions and adaptations. 9. Forest management and natural disasters: forestry procedures revitalization of damaged forests, examples from European countries. 10. Forest management and nature protection: trends in Europe forestry, principles of multifunctional forestry. 11. The concept of natural forest cultivation. Pro Silva Europa, principles and theirs application. 12. Presentation of student seminar papers, discussion (3 hours). Field teaching (40 hours): Forest management of Central European countries

Obvezna literatura :

1. Anić, I., S. Mikac, 2021: Europsko šumarstvo. PP prezentacije predavanja, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb.

Dopunska literatura:

Ellenberg, H., 2009: Vegetation Ecology of Central Europe. Cambridge University Press, English translation, 4th edition, 731 p.

FOREST EUROPE, UNECE and FAO 2011: State of Europe’s Forests 2011. Status and Trends in Sustainable Forest Management in Europe ( _report_2011_web.pdf). McGrath, M. J., S. Luyssaert, P. Meyfroidt, J. O. Kaplan, M. Bürgi, Y. Chen, K. Erb, U. Gimmi, D. McInerney, K. Naudts, J. Otto, F. Pasztor, J. Ryder, M.-J. Schelhaas, A. Valade, 2015:

Reconstructing European forest management from 1600 to 2010. Biogeosciences, 12: 4291–4316 ( Nature-based forestry in Central Europe. University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Ljubljana, 167 p. Pro Silva, 2012: Pro Silva principles. 67 p. ( 01_ProSilva_Principles/Pro_Silva_Principles_2012.pdf) Turbé, A., U. Jana, A. de Toni, S. Woodward, A. Schopf, S. Netherer, P. Angelstam, S. Mudgal, P. Sonigo, 2012: Disturbances of EU forests caused by biotic agents. European Commission (


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