Department of Forestry

Gospodarenje tlom šumskih ekosustava

ŠDU2005 - obavezni
Opterećenje: 30(P) + 0(L) + 15(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 8(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures: 1. The roles and importance of soil in the management of terrestrial ecosystems, with special emphasis on forest ecosystems. 2. Soil classifications; History of development and principles of soil classification. Soil classification in Croatia. American soil classification. WRB soil classification. 3. Automorphic soils; Physiographic and ecological-economic features of undeveloped and humus-accumulative soils. 4. Physiographic and ecological-economic features of cambic, eluvial-iluvial, anthropogenic and technogenic soils. 5. Hydromorphic soils; Physiographic and ecological-economic features of pseudogley and fluvial and fluvial-humus and gley soils. 6. Physiographic and ecological-economic features of peat and anthropogenic hydromorphic soils. Physiographic and ecological-economic features of halomorphic and subaquatic soils. 7. Soil geography; Pedon and elementary areas of the soil. Soil mapping. Pedogeographic characteristics of Croatia. Pedogeographic units of forest ecosystems in Croatia. Soil zonation on Earth. 8. Soil in the management of terrestrial ecosystems; Soil in spatial planning. Management of forest soil - peculiarities in relation to the soil of other terrestrial ecosystems. 9. Soil and land productivity; Assessment of soil and land. 10. Increasing land productivity - optimizing the use of natural soil fertility and the possibility of meliorating the physical characteristics of the soil in forestry 11. Increasing the productivity of the land - the possibility of improving the chemical characteristics of the soil in forestry. 12. Soil degradation and its protection measures; Anthropogenic soil erosion - introduction. 13. Soil degradation and its protection measures; Gravitational, water and aeolian soil erosion. 14. Soil degradation and its protection measures; Degradation of soil chemical properties. 15. Soil degradation and its protection measures; Soil compaction. Impact of fire on soil. Soil protection in regulations. Soil monitoring. Laboratory exercises: 1. Determination of the granulometric composition in the mineral part of the soil (norm ISO 11277) 2. Determination of stability of structural microaggregates (Škorić, 1982) 3. Determination of soil plasticity (in accordance with ASTM D4318-10, 2010) 4. Determination of the proportion of organic and total carbon (in accordance with ISO 10694, 1995) and total nitrogen (in accordance with ISO 13878, 1998) by dry burning 5. Determination of cation exchange capacity (according to ISO 11260, 1994) 6. Extraction of trace elements soluble in gold ore (according to ISO 11466, 1995) 7. Determination of macro- and micronutrients in the soil using the Mehlich-3 extraction method 8. Determination of water-retention characteristics of the soil (in accordance with ISO 11274, 1998) 9. Determination of water permeability of the soil (filtration of water through the soil) Field work: 1. Characteristic soil associations and their features in the integral management of the area (e.g. forest administration, economic unit, catchment area, etc.)

Obavezna literatura:
1.     Pernar, N., 2017: Tlo; nastanak, značajke, gospodarenje. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet, 799 p..
2.     Pernar, N., D. Bakšić & I. Perković, 2013: Terenska i laboratorijska istraživanja tla. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet, 192 p.

Preporučena literatura:
3.    Mesić, H., D. Bakšić, F. Bašić, A. Čidić, G. Durn, S. Husnjak, I. Kisić, D. Klaić, B. Komesarović, M. Mesić et al., 2008.
4.    Program trajnog motrenja tala Hrvatske (priručnik). Agencija za zaštitu okoliša, Zagreb, 135 p.


Nikola Pernar
Prof. Nikola Pernar PhD

Distinguished professor

Prof. Darko Bakšić PhD

Full professor

Assistant prof. Ivan Perković PhD

Assistant professor



Prof. Darko Bakšić PhD

Full professor

Nikola Pernar
Prof. Nikola Pernar PhD

Distinguished professor

Assistant prof. Ivan Perković PhD

Assistant professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije