Department of Forestry

Small scale forest management planning

Opterećenje: 15+0+0
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures: 1. Introduction, state of private forests (share, value, structural deficiencies) 2. Ownership situation - comparison of the Republic of Croatia and the world 3. Presentation of the organizational structure of private forest management 4. Existing regulations and the possibility of improvement 5. Spatial arrangement (internal, strategic) 6. Special features of the inventory and management program of private forests 7. Multi-season management - a necessity for small private forest estates 8. Consolidation and joint management of private forests 9. Fees for management restrictions (natura 2000) 10. Regulations of future management for private forests-etat 11. Future management regulations for private forests - forestry works 12. Deviations in the implementation of private forest regulations 13. Non-timber products and utility functions of opportunities for private forests 14. Examples of arranging private forest properties 15. Repetition and discussion, presentation of own experiences

Obvezna literatura:

1. Žunić, M, 2018: Modeli gospodarenja privatnim šumama u Republici Hrvatskoj s obzirom na stavove šumoposjednika i obilježja šumoposjeda, doktorska disertacija, Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb, 149 str. (mentor Teslak)

2. Harrison, S.R., Herbohn, J.L. Herbohn, K.F. 2000: Sustainable Small-scale Forestry, 247 str

3. Teslak, K.; Žunić, M.; Beljan, K.; Čavlović, J.: 2018: Stanje i izazovi gospodarenja privatnim šumama u Hrvatskoj u postojećim ekološkim i sociološkim okolnostima // Šumarski list, 142 (2018), 9/10; 459-471 doi:10.31298/sl.142.9-10.1

4. Žunić, M., Teslak, K.: 2019. Constraining factors of activities in croatian forest estates mimic model, Šumarski list Volume: 143, Issue: 1-2 , Pages: 7

5. Pravilnici o uređivanju šuma

6. Zakon o šumama

Dopunska literatura:

1. Čavlović, J., Božić, M., 2011: Istraživanje i izrada modela uređivanja i izmjere šuma u šumama šumoposjednika, Model gospodarenja sitnim privatnim šumama , Završno izvješće projekta, Zagreb, 223 str.

2. Bettinger, P. Boston, K., Siry P.J., Grebner, L.D. 2009: Forest management and Planning, Elsevier inc., 327 pp.

3. Čavlović, J: Osnove uređivanja šuma Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Šumarski fakultet. 322 pp. (udžbenik)



assoc. prof. Krunoslav Teslak PhD

associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije