Biotechnology in forestry
Opterećenje: 15+0+0
Cilj predmeta: Students are introduced to the following content: a) plant culture techniques
cells and tissues (in vitro), cell cultures in suspension, cultures
protoplasts, vegetative propagation in vitro, commercial application of propagation, meristem cultures,
embryo and megagametophyte cultures, somatic embryogenesis,
preserving the plant gene pool in vitro and with somaclonal variability;
assessment of somaclonal variability (phenotypic, biochemical, cytological,
molecular); b) using biochemical and molecular-genetic methods
research in forest trees, biochemical and DNA markers, structure and
genetic variability in forest trees, genetic mapping, genomics
and transcriptomics, genetic engineering and application of transgenic plants in
forestry and urban forestry, properties subject to genetics
engineering (resistance to pests and pathogenic organisms, resistance to
extreme environmental factors, reproductive capacity, modification
lignin content; biotechnology and biosafety); c) storage of seeds, pollen and
plant tissue, in vitro storage, storage through the middle period (3 to 4 years) and
over a longer period (cryopreservation), the process of cryopreservation (ultra-low
temperatures - 80 oC to -196 oC), thawing and culturing cells,
familiarization with plant growth substances (auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins,
ethylene, abscisic acid, etc.), seed savings banks and seed banks,
and legislation related to forest reproductive material.
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures:
1. Introductory – needs for the application of biotechnology in different aspects
Application of biotechnology methods in research and characterization of diversity i
preservation of forest genetic resources (natural forests)
2. Molecular markers, part I
3. Molecular markers II. part
4. Genomics, associative genetics, transcriptomics, comparative
5. Spatial analysis of genetic diversity for the purpose of forest conservation
genetic resources
6. Application of biotechnology methods in EX SITU conservation of genetic resources
Application of biotechnology methods in the propagation of forest reproduction
7. In vitro cultures and selection
8. Basic steps in micropropagation
9. Different methods of micropropagation
10. Application of micropropagation methods in exemplary species (Prunus
avium, Populus sp.)
11. Cryopreservation methods
Application of biotechnology methods in the breeding of forest trees i
artificial plantations and plantations
12. Selection supported by molecular markers
13. Mass propagation by biotechnology methods
14. Genetic modification of organisms, biosafety
15. Legal regulations on forest reproductive material
Literatura:Obvezna literatura :
1. Sonnino, Andrea. (2016). Current and potential application of biotechnology in forestry: A critical review. Asian Biotechnology and Development Review. 18. 41-85.
2. Bogdan, S. i I. Katičić Bogdan, 2016. Genetika s oplemenjivanjem drveća i grmlja. Interna recenzirana skripta. 224. str. (odabrana poglavlja)
. Dopunska literatura:
1. Kajba, D., Ballian, D.: ŠUMARSKA GENETIKA, Zagreb-Sarajevo 2007, 283 str.
2. Jelaska, S.: KULTURA BILJNIH STANICA I TKIVA, Školska knjiga, 1994, str. 1-398.
3. Marić, V. i sur., 1991: BIOKEMIJSKO INŽENJERSTVO, Interna skripta, PBF, Zagreb.
4. Bajrović, K. i sur., 2005: UVOD U GENETIČKO INŽENJERSTVO I BIOTEHNOLOGIJU, Institut za genetičko inženjerstvo i tehnologiju, Sarajevo, 32
5. Međedović, S. i Dž. Ferhatović: KLONSKA PROIZVODNJA SADNICA DRVEĆA I GRMLJA. Sarajevo, 2003, 216 str.