Legal regulation in forest management
Opterećenje: 15+0+0
Cilj predmeta: How forest management regulations have changed over time
(history) in accordance with the development of the profession and science of forest management and relations
man to the forest, the aim of this course is to acquire knowledge about development
instructions for forest management, existing regulations for forest management
and the interpretation and way of applying the provisions of the rulebook in the drafting procedures and
approval Basis of management.
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures
1. Introduction, description of course content and literature. Defining significance and role
legal and by-law regulations in forest management.
2. Historical instructions for forest management; Legal regulation on forests
from the year 1769
3. Historical instructions for forest management; Instruction for measurement, assessment
and the arrangement of forests of property municipalities in the Croatian-Slavonian Krajina
4. Historical instructions for forest management; Instructions for assembly
of economic foundations or programs (1903)
5. Historical instructions for forest management; Editing instructions
of state forests (1931)
6. Historical instructions for forest management; Instructions for remittance of trees
and determination of income in preboran forests (1937)
7. Historical instructions for forest management; Temporary and general instructions
for forest inventory and management (1946/48)
8. Historical instructions for forest management; New editing system
preborni šuma (1962)
9. Changes to the regulations for forest management from 1968 to 1990
in the framework of forestry reorganizations and changes to the Forestry Act
10. Rules for managing forests from 1994 and 1997
11. Amendments to the Regulations; analysis of the determinants of the Ordinance and the need for
changes in the criteria according to the requirements of forest management and regulation
12. The procedure for testing the validity of the created basis (program)
management and issuing consent to the prepared report
13. Presentation of seminar papers and discussions
14. Presentation of seminar papers and discussions
15. Presentation of seminar papers and discussions
Literatura:Obvezna literatura:
1. Izvadci objavljenih Pravilnika u Narodnim novinama (N.N....)
2. Meštrović, Š., Fabijanić, G., 1994. Priručnik za uređivanje šuma
3. Meštrović, Š., 1978. Pravilnik o izradi šumskoprivrednih osnova, osnova gospodarenja i programa za unapređenja šuma u svjetlu šumarske znanosti. Šum. list. 102(8- 10), 352-364