Ecological monitoring
ŠDU2006Opterećenje: 15(P) + 0(L) + 0(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 0(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: The subject of ecological monotoring includes a description of the functioning of the main forest ecosystems in Croatia, the main disturbances of the biological and ecological balance, monitoring the condition of rainforests and forest reserves, assessment of the vitality of the trees of the main species of forest trees, methods of monitoring air pollution and precipitation in forests, dry and wet deposition, chemistry precipitation, monitoring of flood and groundwater pollution, determination of the intensity of mycorrhiza development on the roots of the main tree species, monitoring and analysis of climate and microclimate, automatic climate monitoring systems, monitoring of the impact of climate factors on forest trees, ozone damage assessments, selection of bioindicators for damage assessment from ozone, methods of monitoring the dynamics of flood and groundwater, hydrology of mountain forest ecosystems, inflow, sinking and outflow of water, lysimeter monitoring, phenological monitoring, monitoring of leaf and generative phenophases of the main types of trees, monitoring of the dynamics and intensity of seed yield, determination of tree biomass, assessment in crown damage, absence of leaves or needles, change in color of leaves or needles, dynamics of tree death, presentation of the main international ecological monitoring programs.
Literatura:Obavezna literatura:
1. INDIKATORI PRITISKA NA OKOLIŠ, Metodološke upute, Republika Hrvatska, Državni zavod za statistiku, broj 36., Zagreb 2001.
2. FOREST HEALTH MONITORING, 1998., Mangold, R., Washington.
3. MANUAL ON METHODS AND CRITERIA FOR HARMONIZED SAMPLING, ASSESSMENT, MONITORING AND ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION ON FORESTS, edited by Programme Coordinating Centre, Federal Research Centre for Forestry and Forest Products, Hamburg, Germany 199
4. EKOLOŠKI LEKSIKON, Glavni urednik Oskar Springer, Zagreb: Barbat, Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prostornog uređenja Republike Hrvatske, 2001., 361 str.
5. ŠUMARSKA ENCIKLOPEDIJA, Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, Zagreb, Knjiga 1,1980, Knjiga 2, 1983, Knjiga 3, 1987.
6. INTENSIVE MONITORING OF FOREST ECOSYSTEMS IN EUROPE, FIMCI; Tehnical Report 2003, ISSN 1020-6078, str. 5-161.
Preporučena literatura:
7. IZVJEŠĆE O STANJU OKOLIŠA U REPUBLICI HRVATSKOJ, Hrvatski državni sabor, Zastupnički dom, Zagreb, 1998., str. 378.
8. BIOLOŠKA I KRAJOBRAZNA RAZNOLIKOST HRVATSKE, Državna uprava za zaštitu prirode i okoliša, Zagreb, 1999, str. 151.
9. FOREST CONDITION MONITORING IN FINLAND, national report 1998, edited by Hannu Raitio and Tuire Kilponen, Finnish Forest Research Institute, Parkano Research Station, pp.147.