Department of Forestry

Documentation and informatics in scientific and research work

Opterećenje: 1+0+0
Sadržaj predmeta: Classes will be held in the form of a workshop; student engagement in class will be combined with the teacher's mini-lecture method. Part of the classes will be held in the computer classroom or the library/reading room with the use of computers. By week: 1. What is science, types of scientific research, stages of scientific research. 2. Methods and techniques of scientific work. 3. What is information. Information sciences. Scientific information. 4. Dissemination of scientific knowledge. Primary, secondary and tertiary publications. Scientific and professional publications. 5. Announcements at professional and scientific gatherings (conferences, congresses). 6. Scientific databases, citation databases. Web of Science, Current Contents, Google Scholar, Scopus. 7. Evaluation of journal quality according to inclusion and ranking in scientific databases. 8. Evaluation of the scientific performance of an individual scientist. Citation bases. 9. Approach to preparing a primary scientific publication. Assessment papers. Scandinavian model of doctoral dissertation. 10. Access to the preparation of an overview scientific or professional paper. 11. How to prepare a successful oral presentation, .ppt-presentation. 12. How to hold a successful oral presentation. Attitude, speech, relationship with listeners, use of technical aids (.ppt-presentation). 13., 14. and 15. Students' short (approx. 10 min) oral presentations on predetermined topics from the field of forestry, ecology, etc. After each presentation, there will be a discussion of the methodical quality of the seen and the famous.

Obvezna literatura: 

1. M. Gačić, Pisanje u znanosti i struci, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2017.

2. V. Silobrčić, Kako sastaviti, objaviti i ocijeniti znanstveno djelo, 6. dopunjeno izdanje, Medicinska naklada, Zagreb, 2008.

Preporučena literatura :

1.Đ. Težak, Pretraživanje informacija na Internetu, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb, 2002.

2. Đ. Težak i sur., Profesor Božo Težak, lučonoša znanosti, Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, Zagreb, 2007

3. R. Zelenika, Znanost o znanosti, Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci, Rijeka, 2004.


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije