Environmental chemistry
Opterećenje: 30+0+0
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures:
1. Introduction to environmental chemistry
What is environmental science. Environmental chemistry and environmental biochemistry. Earth, water, air and technology. Ecology of the biosphere. Energy and its circulation. Substances and the cycle of substances (cycles: carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulfur). Anthroposphere. Human influence on the environment and pollution.
2. Atmosphere and atmospheric chemistry I.
History of the atmosphere. Stratification of the atmosphere. Gas components (components) of the atmosphere. Physical properties of the atmosphere. Circulation in the atmosphere.
3. Atmosphere and atmospheric chemistry II.
Atmospheric photochemistry: reactions in the upper atmosphere, photoprocesses in the troposphere. Air pollution: inorganic gases (CO2, SO2, NOx, NH3, halogen elements and their compounds), organic substances. Smog. Greenhouse effect and global pollution.
4. Atmosphere and atmospheric chemistry III.
Acid-base reactions in the atmosphere (CO2, SO2, O2, N2, H2O). Regulations on maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air.
5. Lithosphere and lithosphere chemistry I.
Definition of the terms lithosphere and geosphere and basic terms in soil chemistry. Properties of substances in the lithosphere - rocks, minerals, ores. Soils and sediments. Extraction of mineral resources. Mineral composition of the soil (oxides and hydroxides of Al, Si, Fe, Mn, non-silicate minerals, secondary clay minerals, ionic dispersions). The organic component of the soil (humus). Colloidal soil chemistry. Liquid phase of soil, aqueous soil solution.
6. Lithosphere and lithosphere chemistry II.
Acidity, basicity, salinity (salinity) of the soil. Redox-potential of the soil. Macronutrients (N, P, K) and micronutrients in the soil. Non-metallic materials on Earth. Wood - the main renewable resource. Anthropogenic influences on the soil. Regulations on the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants in the soil. 1st partial exam.
7. Hydrosphere I.
Quality and quantity of water, water cycle, properties of water. Life in the water. Gases in water (O2, CO2). Calcium and other metals in water. Complexing agents and complex species in water. Redox processes. Phosphates and polyphosphates in water. Naturally occurring chlorinated and brominated compounds in water. Humic substances in water.
8. Hydrosphere II.
Water systems, ocean systems. Acid rain. Water treatment (for domestic use, for industrial use, wastewater): removal of solid particles, removal of calcium and other metals (Fe, Mn), removal of inorganic compounds, removal of organic compounds, water disinfection. Natural water purification processes.
9. Hydrosphere III.
Water pollution. Types of water pollution. Chemical elements as pollutants. Heavy metals, metalloids, organometallic species, inorganic anionic species. Acidity, basicity, saltiness (salinity). Organic pollutants (soaps, detergents, pesticides, biorefractory pollutants, sewage sludge). Radionuclides. Regulations on maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in water.
10. Phase interactions
Interactions between different phases in the environment: water-soil/sediments, water-air, soil-air. Ion exchange water−sediments. Exchange of phosphorus with sediments. Organic compounds on sediments and suspended particles. Porn waters. Groundwater and wells.
Sorption of gases. 2nd partial exam.
11. Industrial ecology
Minerals, metals, non-metallic materials, wood.
12. Hazardous waste in the environment
Brief historical overview, classification of hazardous substances and solvents. Sources of hazardous solvents. Flammable substances. Reactive substances. Corrosive substances. Toxic substances.
13. Toxicological chemistry
Definition and basic concepts of toxicology. Inorganic poisons. Heavy metals. Nonmetals. Organic poisons. Organometallic substances.
14. Environmental chemistry of selected chemical elements
Chemical properties and action in the environment of selected heavy metals (mercury, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead) and semi-metals (arsenic, antimony).
15. Selected chapters of environmental chemistry
In the last term of the semester, selected topics from the field of environmental chemistry will be analyzed, based on research and results published in international scientific periodicals. The topics will be chosen with regard to the interests and affinities of the students who will attend the classes of this course in individual years. 3rd partial exam.
Literatura:Obvezna literatura (dostupna u knjižnici i/ili na drugi način):
1. R.A. Bailey, H.M. Clark, J.P. Ferris, S. Krause, R.L. Strong, Chemistry of the Environment, 2nd Edition, Academic Press, San Diego, 2002.
2. S.E. Manahan, Environmental Chemistry, 7th Edition, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, 2000.
Dopunska literatura
N . Pernar, Tlo – nastanak, značajke, gospodarenje, Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb, 2017.
K.H. Tan, Principles of Soil Chemistry, 4th Edition, CRC Press – Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, 2011.