Breeding of woody plants
Opterećenje: 30+0+0
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures:
1. Polygenic inheritance, quantitative traits and environment.
2. Modifications, mutations, extranuclear inheritance.
3. Basics of woody species breeding. General concepts, historical development.
4. Techniques of cloning woody species.
5. The breeding cycle. Creation of initial plant material, Parent population.
6. Methods of mass selection. Selected population.
7. Reproductive and breeding populations.
8. Genotypic selection based on genetic testing.
9. Development of breeding strategy.
10. Controlled crossing in breeding; Design and techniques.
11. Breeding by hybridization (intraspecific and interspecific hybridization).
12. Breeding for resistance to abiotic factors.
13. Breeding for resistance to biotic factors.
14. Methods of macropropagation and micropropagation in breeding.
15. Methods of biotechnology in breeding.
Literatura:. Obvezna literatura:
1. Bogdan, S. i I. Katičić Bogdan, 2016. Genetika s oplemenjivanjem drveća i grmlja. Interna recenzirana skripta. 224. str. (odabrana poglavlja)
Dopunska literatura
2. White, T. L., W. T. Adams, D. B. Neale, 2007: Forest Genetics. Wallingford, UK, Cambridge, CAB International. p682.