Groton Elementary School / Think Tank Rooms & The Wonder Space
Think Tank Rooms & The Wonder Space show that out-of-the-box thinking is needed to equip these classrooms.
Think Tank Rooms are an entirely new classroom environment for active learning, equipped with the main goal: to improve learning outcomes and the well-being of children in the school environment. The premises are designed and equipped during spring-summer and open for work in the fall of 2019 thanks to the efforts and work of school teachers and students, and Cornell students and professors. Most of the furniture and equipment found here cannot be purchased on websites with the keyword "school furniture". There is a mix of different functional typologies - office, home, restaurant, nursery or other environments. The prevailing vision and concept here are that the different appearance and typology of furniture that allows for comfort, comfort, joy and relaxation leads to a sense of well-being and greater productivity of students. The colors are vibrant and bright, the materials soft and shiny. Unfortunately, there is not much solid wood or sustainable materials, but this fact allows for further research with new concepts in which nature wood or more sustainable elements will prevail.
The Wonder Space at Groton School is still is still under construction, but it has a special background - it is aimed to be a school library with totally new approach to children reading attitudes. The cat Izzy is all around the room with the aim to help children to love reading books. This space is cozier, friendly, offers different body positions while reading books – lying, sitting, etc. Materials are soft (foams and textiles), there is more wooden furniture (shelves) and toys. The Wonder Space will open during winter 2019.
Photos by: Danijela Domljan