Department of Forestry


PU6001 - obavezni
Opterećenje: 30(P) + 30(A) + 16(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: The tasks of the course are to acquaint the student with theoretical knowledge and skills in the management of plantations and trees. Increasing urbanization, as well as citizens' desire for recreation, as well as the awareness of the importance of trees and greenery for a better life, puts before us a bigger question about urban greenery. In a broader sense, the subject will include all other plantations of artificial or natural origin. Due to the often very difficult conditions in which plantations are established in urban or suburban areas, great attention will be paid to the conditions of growth as well as to the maintenance of favorable conditions for the growth and development of urban greenery. Special attention will be paid to the pruning of branches as well as entire crowns in order to prevent damages as well as potential dangers for people. The assessment of the tree's value, as well as their inventory, will also be processed. The course is designed on the principles of modern forestry science. It consists of lectures, exercises, field classes and seminar papers. Teaching is conducted with the use of modern teaching aids.

Mandatory reading:

1.Grey, G.W. The Urban Forestry: Comprehensive Management. New York. 1996

2.Harris, W.R. Arboriculture, Integrated management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines. Prentice Hall. Fourth edition. 2004.

3. Brown, G,E. The Pruning of trees, Shrubs and Conifers. Timber press Oregon.

4. Shigo, A, L. Modern Bumpflege: Dgundlage der Baumbiologie. Bernard Thalacker Verlag. in 1994

5. Shigo, A, L. Modern Arboriculture.

6. Gilman, E, F. Illustrated Guide to Pruning. Delmar. Second Edition. 2002.

7. Badler, Hartmut. Die Wurzeln der Stadbäume. Paul Parey Verlag. Berlin. in 1998

Recommended reading:

8. Miller, RW. Urban forestry: Planning and Managing Urban Green Spaces, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hill. in 1997

9.Grey, G.W. The Urban Forestry: Comprehensive Management. New York. 1996


assoc. prof. Vinko Paulić PhD

associate professor

assoc. prof. Damir Drvodelić PhD

associate professor



assoc. prof. Vinko Paulić PhD

associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije