Obavezna literatura:
1.Grey, G.W. The Urban Forestry: Comprehensive Management. New York.1996
2.Harris, W.R. Arboriculture, Integrated management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines. Prentice Hall. Fourth edition.2004.
3.Brown, G,E. The Pruning of trees, Shrubs and Conifers. Timber press Oregon.
4.Shigo, A,L. Moderne Bumpflege: Dgundlage der Baumbiologie. Bernard Thalacker Verlag. 1994.
5.Shigo, A,L. Modern Arboriculture.
6.Gilman, E, F. Illustrated Guide to Pruning. Delmar. Second Edition.2002.
7.Badler, Hartmut. Die Wurzeln der Stadbäume. Paul Parey Verlag.Berlin. 1998.
Preporučena literatura:
8.Miller, RW. Urban forestry: Planing and Managing Urban Green Spaces, 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hill. 1997.
9.Grey, G.W. The Urban Forestry: Comprehensive Management. New York.1996