Knowledge of vegetation
UD2005 - obavezniOpterećenje: 30(P) + 0(L) + 15(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 16(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures:
1. Introduction – geographical location and synecological conditions for the development of vegetation
in the Republic of Croatia. Horizontal and vertical breakdown of vegetation R.
of Croatia, syntaxonomic review.
2. Description of the most important forest communities of the Mediterranean region - forests
Aleppo pine, holm oak forests, Dalmatian black pine forests,
honey oak forests.
3. Description of the most important lowland, floodplain forest communities
areas - willow, willow and poplar, white and black poplar forests, forests
black alders with trusljika, forest of black alder and field ash with sremza,
a forest of field ash with late dormouse
4. Description of the most important occasionally pollinating and mesophilic and neutrophilic
of the forest communities of the lowland and hilly oak belt and
splendiferous oak - a forest of birches and field ash, a forest of larch oak and
large yellow oaks, larch oak and common hornbeam forest, Illyrian forest
oak and common hornbeam, forest of oak and hornbeam
with wig.
5. Description of the most important acidophilic forest communities of sedum oak i
common beeches - a forest of cypress oak and sweet chestnut,
acidothermophilic forest of oak and small-flowered five-toed oak, forest
mulberry oak and common birch, beech forest with beech, beech forest with
rib, a forest of common beech and sweet chestnut.
6. Description of the most important common beech forest communities,
Central European and Illyrian beech forests - beech forest with lazarkin,
a beech forest with a long-leaved head, a beech forest with an oxbow
eye, beech forest with yellowish vetch, Illyrian mountain beech
forest with dead nettle, mountain beech forest with mountain beech
žabnjakom, foothill beech forest with lance-shaped ferns, beeches
a forest with autumn šašić.
7. Description and comparison of Pannonian and Dinaric beech-fir forests. Description
the most important fir forests - the Dinaric fir forest with milava, firs
forest with ribs.
8. Description of the most important forest communities of common spruce - mountain
spruce forest with pavlovac, spruce forest with corn,
subalpine spruce forest with blue goat blood, altimontane subalpine spruce forest with bordered smooth, subalpine
a spruce forest with an alpine plover. Description of the arrival of the forest
vegetation at the upper limit of the arrival - pine community curve s
alpine shower.
9. Description of particularly valuable and rare forest communities they have
primarily a protective and scientific role - linden-yew forest, forests
noble deciduous trees, a forest of black pine with hornbeam, a forest of black i
common pine with hornbeam, a forest of black pine with juniper, firs
forest with hornbeam, beech forest with hornbeam, continental
honeysuckle forests, sladunovo-cerova forest, etc. 10. Description of the vegetation of coastal and saline habitats - estuaries, coastal lagoons,
vegetation of mainly annual halophytes, rocks and steep slopes (cliffs)
Mediterranean coasts overgrown with endemic species,
Mediterranean mires, Pannonian salt steppes and salt marshes.
11. Description of coastal and continental sand dune vegetation -
embryonic coastal dunes, continental Pannonian dunes; Description
heath vegetation of the temperate zone - European dry heath,
mountain and boreal heaths, juniper pine curve (Pinus mugo) s
hairy mountain ash (Rhododendron hirsutum); Description of the vegetation
cretova - complex crets, transitional crets,
basophilic cells; Vegetation of rocky habitats and caves.
12. Description of non-forest vegetation of freshwater habitats - amphibious
habitats, hard oligo-mesotrophic waters with an anemone-covered bottom,
natural eutrophic waters with vegetation Hydrocharition or
Magnopotamion, Mediterranean occasional puddles, occasional karst
lakes, shores of mountain rivers with Myricaria germanica, watercourses with
vegetation Ranunculion fluitantis i
Callitricho-Batrachion, rivers with overgrown muddy banks
by the vegetation of Chenopodion rubri p.p. and Bidention p.p.
13. Description of the vegetation of natural and semi-natural grasslands - open
xerothermophilic pioneer communities on carbonate stony soil,
mountain and foothill limestone grasslands, dry continental
grasslands, sub-Pannonian steppe grasslands, Pannonian grasslands on sand.
14. Description of the vegetation of natural and semi-natural grasslands - Eumediterranean
grasslands, hardy grasslands, eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands,
invertebrate grasslands, Mediterranean tall moist grasslands, hydrophilic
the edges of high green areas along rivers and forests, meadows, hill and mountain meadows
15. Description of the vegetation of anthropogenic ecosystems - anthropogenic forest
ecosystems, anthropogenic grasslands (swamp, lowland, mountain),
agroecosystems, weedy vegetation, ruderal vegetation.
1. Factors of horizontal and vertical breakdown of vegetation R.
Croatian. Characteristic and distinctive species for certain vegetation zones,
their morphological characteristics.
2. Belts and zones of the Mediterranean region, characteristic and distinctive species for
individual parts of the Mediterranean area and their morphology
characteristics, degradation forms and flora composition of black and medunk
forest, ubiquists, rocky vegetation. Xerophilic species.
3. Flora composition of lowland, flooded forest communities. Hydrophilic and
hygrophilic species. Characteristic and distinguishing species for certain vegetation types
lowland forest units and their morphological characteristics. Swampy
4. Flora composition of occasionally flooded and mesophilic, neutrophilic forest
community of lowland and hilly belt. Morphological and ecological
characteristics of the diagnostic types of oak forests and oak forests
trinkets. Relationships between flooded and non-flooded forest ecosystems.
5. Flora composition of the acidophilic communities of splendiferous oak and common beech.
Morphological characteristics of representative species
6. Flora composition of Central European and Illyrian beech forests. Illyrian florni
geoelement. Morphological and ecological characterization of Illyrian and Illyricoid
7. Floral composition and characteristic and distinguishing morphological characteristics
type of Pannonian and Dinaric beech-fir forests. Floral composition
common fir community.
8. Flora composition of common spruce communities. Specific and distinctive types
montane and altimontane communities of common spruce and theirs
morphological characteristics. Flora composition of frost zone and upper vegetation
boundaries of forest vegetation.
9. Representative types of forest communities that have primarily
protective and scientific role and their morphological characteristics.
Legally protected, endangered and rare plant species.
10. Plant species of coastal and saline habitats - morphological characteristics,
role, significance.
11. Morphological and ecological characterization of coastal and coastal plant species
continental sand dunes, heaths of the temperate zone, crets,
rocky habitats and caves.
12. Morphological and ecological characterization of plant species of aquatic habitats.
13. Morphological and ecological characterization of plant species natural i
semi-natural grasslands - open xerothermophilic pioneer communities
on carbonate stony soil, mountain and pre-mountain limestone
grasslands, dry continental grasslands, subpannonian steppe grasslands,
Pannonian grasslands on the sand.
14. Morphological and ecological characterization of plant species natural i
of semi-natural grasslands - eumediterranean grasslands, hardy grasslands,
eastern sub-mediterranean dry grasslands, invertebrate grasslands,
Mediterranean high wet grasslands, hydrophilic edges of high green along
rivers and forests, meadows, meadows, hill and mountain grasslands.
15. Characteristic plant species of anthropogenic ecosystems - anthropogenic
forest ecosystems, anthropogenic grasslands (swamp, lowland, mountain),
agroecosystems, weed vegetation, ruderal vegetation - morphological
characteristics, role, significance. Invasive species.
Method of conducting exercises - practical, herbarium collection, field.
Field lesson (two days):
1. Familiarity with functioning (synecology, syndamics,
characteristic plant species) and valorization of natural vegetation in
urban areas.
2. Familiarity with functioning (synecology, syndamics,
characteristic plant species) and valorization of natural vegetation in
protected areas.
Literatura:Obavezna literatura:
1. Topić, J., Vukelić, J., 2009: Priručnik za određivanje kopnenih staništa u Hrvatskoj prema Direktivi o staništima EU. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, 376 str.
2. Vukelić, J., Mikac, S., Baričević, D., Bakšić, D., R. Rosavec, 2008: Šumska staništa i šumske zajednice u Hrvatskoj Nacionalna ekološka mreža. Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, 263 str.
Preporučena literatura:
3. Trinajstić, I., 2008: Biljne zajednice Republike Hrvatske, Akademija šumarskih znanosti, Zagreb, 179 str.
4. Vukelić, J., 2012: Šumska vegetacija Hrvatske. Sveučilište u Zagrebu Šumarski fakultet i DZZP, 403 str
5. Šegulja, N., 2005: Vegetacija travnjaka, cretišta i močvarnih staništa Nacionalnog parka Plitvička jezera. Natura Croatica, 14 (suppl. 2), 1- 194