Department of Forestry

Nature preservation

PU5006 - obavezni
Opterećenje: 30(P) + 0(L) + 15(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 16(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures 1. Historical overview of nature protection in the world and in the Republic of Croatia. Basic principles of nature protection and the development of ideas about protection 2. natural resources. Problems related to the acceptance of principles and implementation through legal regulations. Conditions for proclamation and establishment of protected areas. Legal regulations related to the field of nature protection. 3. Measures of implementation and supervision in the national legislation, and international law regulation. Special reference to international conventions and regulations accepted in our legislation. 4. Protected natural values ​​according to the Law on Protection nature. 5. National parks, historical development and current aspirations, zoning of national parks, spatial plans and management plans of national parks, division and organization of work of national parks in the world. 6. National parks in Croatia - basic features of management and zoning. 7. Spatial plans and management plans of nature parks and other protected areas, organization and organization, management options in the nature park. 8. Nature parks in Croatia - basic features management and administration. 9. Tourist evaluation of protected areas, problems related to tourism as an economic activity and attitude towards nature protection. 10. Nature protection on the Dinaric Karst of Croatia. Endemic hubs of flora and fauna. The relationship between nature protection and economic activities, the situation and guidelines for sustainable development. 11. Flora protection and endangered plant species, plant species protected by law, measures and methods of effective protection and preservation. 12. Fauna protection; fundamental divisions and conservation of fauna within biological diversity. Integral system of management of hunting species in protected areas. 13. The relationship between forestry and nature protection, respect for principles, possibilities of effective protection and management of forest ecosystems. Incentive measures for nature protection (green infrastructure). Preparation and delivery environmental program in agriculture and tourism. Financing and investment in nature protection. 14. Biodiversity of Croatia, value in European and world frameworks, conservation methods, shortcomings and needs in the implementation of regulations related to biological diversity. 15. National classification of habitats and the European ecological network Natura 2000. Encouraging research and monitoring of the state of target species and habitats in nature. 1. The meaning and concept of nature protection, the relationship between nature protection and economic development through the state of our country. 2. Strict reservations; explanation of the term and presentation of protection in that category, conditions and preservation of natural values ​​on the example of strict reserves in Croatia. 3. Special reserves; explanation of the term, division, state and guidelines for the development of forest vegetation, management. 4. National parks and nature parks, creation of management plans, models of sustainability. 5. Forest Park; condition and conservation problems, possibilities park-forest restoration, supervision and management. 6. Significant landscapes and regional parks; problems of protection and valuation, management plans. 7. Monuments of park architecture; gardens, botanical gardens, arboretums, city parks and tree rows. 8. Monuments of nature; geological, geomorphological,hydrological, botanical. 9. Protected taxa; strictly protected and protected wild taxa, Protected native domesticated taxa. Measures of effective protection of legally protected species, as well as endangered and rare species. Biological-ecological features and habitat protection. 10. Protected minerals and fossils, definitions and implementation of legal regulations. 11. Ways and methods of public participation in decision-making processes on nature protection, the difference between governmental and non-governmental associations, the possibility of promoting and accepting the principles of nature protection. 12. Measures to protect and preserve biological diversity, ex-situ and in-situ conservation, international and domestic experiences in the implementation of protective measures. 13. Evaluation of the acceptability of interventions for the ecological network (OPEM). 14. Monitoring of the situation in areas under environmental protection network, target species and priority habitats. 15. Environmental impact assessments - preparation methods and examples in the Republic of Croatia. Field teaching in protected areas (National Park i nature)

Obavezna literatura:
1.    Španjol, Ž., Barčić, D., 2020: Zaštita prirode (interna skripta), Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb.
2.     RAUŠ, Đ. 1991:Zaštita prirode i čovjekova okoliša. Šumarski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
3.     ŠPANJOL, Ž., 1994:Problematika nacionalnih parkova u svijetu i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Glas.šum. pokuse 30: 61-94, Zagreb.

4.     ŠPANJOL,   Ž.   1993: Uloga posebno zaštićenih objekata prirode u turizmu, Glas.   šum.   pokuse,posebno   izdanje 4 :231-242, Zagreb.

Preporučena literatura:
5.     Pregled stanja biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti Hrvatske sa strategijom i akcijskim planovima zaštite, 1999: Državna uprava za zaštitu prirode i okoliša. Zagreb, 151.Biološka raznolikost - priručnici za inventarizaciju i praćenje stanja, 2006: Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode. Zagreb.

6.     ENGER, E., SMITH, B 2000: Environmental Science: a study of interrelationships, seventh edition. McGraw-Hill, Boston.MARINOVIĆ-UZELAC, A. 2001: Prostorno planiranje, Dom i svijet, Zagreb.

7.     MARTINIĆ, I., 2010: Upravljanje zaštićenim područjima. Planiranje, razvoj i održivost. Sveučilište u Zagrebu Šumarski fakultet. Zagreb.
8.     MARINOVIĆ-UZELAC, A. 2001: Prostorno planiranje, Dom i svijet, Zagreb.
9.     MILLER TAYLER, G. 1994: Living in the environment: principles, connections and solutions, eight edition. International Thomson Publishing, Belmont.
10.   NIKOLIĆ, T., TOPIĆ, J., 2005: Crvena knjiga vaskularne flore Hrvatske. Ministarstvo kulture, Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode Republike Hrvatske. Zagreb. 693 str.
11.     SMITHSON,     P.,     ADDISON,    K.,    ATKINSON,     K.     2002:Fundamentals of the physical environment, Routledge, London. World  Resources  2000-2001:  People  and  Ecosystems:  The Fraying Web of life, 2000: Elsevier Science. Oxford
12.     Crveni popis ugroženih biljaka i životinja Hrvatske, 2004: Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, Zagreb. 112 str.


Prof. Željko Španjol PhD

Distinguished professor

Associate prof. Damir Barčić PhD

Associate professor


Suradnici Roman Rosavec

Assistent professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije