Department of Forestry

Forest typology

Opterećenje: 15(P) + 0(L) + 0(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 0(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: Definition and objective of forest typology. Phytocenology in forest typology. Historical development. Typological schools in Europe (Russian, Ukrainian, Czech, German, Finnish, Swedish). Croatian forest typology. Basic components of typological research. Ecological and biological components. Geological and lithological structure. Phytocenological component. Pedological component. Microclimatological component. Forest management components. Cultivation component. Editorial component. Economic component. Systematic units in forest typology (area, zone, type, subtype). Marking of systematic units. Forest types in the Mediterranean area. Forest types in the continental area (Dinaric, Pannonian). Examples of typological treatment of the forest ecosystem. Application of typology in forestry. The course is based on the basics of the Croatian school of typology, and the latest knowledge and technological aids are used. It also relies on the principles of naturalness, sustainable management and biological diversity. It consists of lectures with the use of modern teaching aids.

Obavezna literatura:
1.     Bertović, S., V. Glavač, 1963: Tipologija šuma. Šumarska enciklopedija II, Zagreb.
2.     Horvat, I. i sur., 1950: Priručnik za tipološko istraživanje i kartiranje vegetacije. Ministarstvo šumarstva FNRJ, 227 str.
3.     Rauš, Đ., 1980: Šumarska fitocenologija (skripta) - drugo ispravljeno i dopunjeno izdanje. Šumarski fakultet Sveuč. u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 353 str.
4.     Stefanović, V., 1963: Tipologija šuma. Univerzitet u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, 344 str.


Preporučena literatura:
5.     Bertović, S., 1961: Istraživanje tipova šuma i šumskih staništa. Šum. list 9-10, Zagreb.
6.     Cestar, D., Kalinić, M., Milković, S., Z. Pelcer, 1966: Tipološko istraživanje i kartiranje šuma i šumskih staništa SR Hrvatske. Svezak I. Institut za šum. istraž. Šumarskog fakulteta Sveuč. u Zagrebu, 58 str.
7.     Cestar i dr., 1986: Bukva i bukove šume Hrvatske. Radovi 69. Šumarski institut Jastrebarsko, 45 str.
8.     Pogrebnjak, P.S., 1955: Osnovi lesnicke tipologii - 2. izd.. Kiev.
9.     Zlatnik, A., 1976: Lesnicka fytocenologie. Statni zemedelske nakladatelstvi, Praha, 495 str.


Prof. Joso Vukelić

Distinguished professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije