Computer modeling of landscape architecture
UD1003 - obavezniOpterećenje: 15(P) + 0(L) + 30(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 8(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures:
1. Post-industrial society, contemporary development of cities, impact of ICT technologies
on urban development, development of digital technologies, impact on human development,
projection of social changes due to technological development (1 hour).
2. Development of IT technologies, definitions of terms, explanation of contemporary ones
concepts, systematization of software tools into operating systems,
development tools, utility and application programs, development of expectations and applications
IT equipment, influence on the design of the built environment (2 hours).
3. Systematization of concepts, CAD, BIM, development of 2D and 3D models, 4D and 5D
modeling, data exchange, organization of professional work,
Geographic information systems, data collection and management.
Collection of field data (4 hours).
4. Development of human perception, computer visualization, scene elements, algorithms
for shading, algorithms for photo-realistic display, animation, QTVR,
animation in real time, augmented reality virtual reality, criteria
selection of the display mode, visualization of the landscape (2 hours).
5. Overview of the development of computer graphics in the field of art, science and
techniques, techniques (raster, vector, video, interactive, animation, games),
simulations, creation of virtual worlds, development of a new artistic sensibility,
scientific visualization (2 hours).
6. Computer model and digital production; Development of digital technologies
production; Subtractive and additive production technologies; Personal development
production (tabletop 3D printing); 3D printing materials (2 hours).
7. Development of the idea of a computer as an advisor, overview of technologies, definition
concepts, interactive multimedia, WWW, Internet development, social networks,
Big Data, basic terms, overview of the amount of data, state of development of DB,
artificial intelligence, development and basic concepts, knowledge bases, problems
systematization of knowledge (range in approach to problem solving, heuristic
procedure, mechanisms of rules and restrictions), technologies (expert systems and
neural networks), deep learning examples, further development, impact on design
of cities (smart and sustainable cities) (2 hours).
1. Spatial data and application of software tools for their processing (working with GIS
tools) (2 hours).
2. Preparation of input data. Working with terrain modeling tools in
the landscape. Working with tools for modeling vegetation in the landscape. Making of
computer model of the subject location (working with GIS tools) (2 hours).
3. Modern technologies and their possibilities of application in design
of park spaces in urban areas (2 hours).
4. Computer mapping and documentation (working with GIS tools) (2 hours).
5. Field data processing with raster data conversion and vice versa
(vectorization and rasterization) (working with GIS tools) (2 hours).
6. Application of software tools for space design (work with Lansdscape
tools) (2 hours).
7. Data processing and work with 2D computer graphics (2D raster and vector
graphics (working with GIS and CAD tools) (6 hours).
8. 2D basics of CAD tools for the needs of technical drawing on the computer (working with CAD
tools) (2 hours).
9. 3D creation of a conceptual solution based on the example of a landscape project (work s
Lansdscape tools) (6 hours).
10. Basics of visualization and computer representations of landscapes. Visualization tools
landscape. Visualization of landscape components (terrain and water surface,
cover and vegetation). Creation of computer representations (visualization) of the subject
locations (work with Lansdscape tools) (4 hours).
Field work:
1 day (8 hours) - Review of spatial factors. Use of the device for
recording and mapping in the field. Verification of the computer model of the components
landscape in the field.
Literatura:Obavezna literatura:
1. Predavanja iz predmeta Računalno oblikovanje parkovnih prostora u .pptx i .pdf formatu
2. Brian Davis, Jamie Vanucchi, 2014: Urban Forests as Landscape Artifacts. SCENARIO 04: Building the Urban Forest
3. Urban Forests and Trees 2005: odabrana poglavlja u knjizi.
Preporučena literatura:
4. Rebecca M., 2018: How to Bring Great Landscaping to Your Home.
5. 3D Nature: „Visual Nature Studio/World Creation Set“, korisničke upute, 3D Nature, 2003/2004
6. Brail, K.R.:“Planning Support Systems: Integrating Geographic Information Systems, Models, and Visualization Tools“, ESRI, 2001, ISBN 1-58948-011-2
7. Desimini J., 2014: To Multiply or Subdivide: Futures of a Modern Urban Woodland. SCENARIO 04: Building the Urban Forest
8. Vdović, R., 2000: „Digitalni krajolik – elementi vizualizacije“, magistarski rad, Arhitektonski fakultet