Department of Forestry

Innovations and entrepreneurship

Opterećenje: 30+0+0
Sadržaj predmeta: 1. Innovations - concept and definition, types and types of innovations, innovation processes, influencing factors, role and meaning of innovations. 2. Innovation systems - regional and sectoral innovation system, innovative milieu, functions, components and participants of innovation systems, specificities of forestry. 3. European and Croatian innovation policy - position of forestry, innovation monitors (EIS, GEM), initiatives, projects and actions related to innovations in forestry (COST E51, Innoforce), innovation promotion strategy of the Republic of Croatia 4. Innovativeness and creativity - features and process of creative thinking, characteristics of innovators and creatives, techniques of creative thinking, obstacles to creativity. 5. Ideas - production of ideas, aha-effect, serendipity, stimulation of creative ideas and solutions, evaluation and choice of ideas, errors in decision-making and choice of ideas. 6. State of innovations in forestry in European countries - framework conditions for innovation activities, innovative behavior of forest owners and forest companies, number and type of innovations, degree of novelty, support, incentives and obstacles, most successful innovations. 7. Innovations in Croatian forestry - perception of innovations and level of innovation in HŠ d.o.o., attitude towards knowledge and innovation, types of innovations and their implementation, comparison with European countries. 8. Selected examples from European and Croatian forestry - examples of innovations and entrepreneurial ventures in the area of ​​products and services, processes, technologies and organization in forestry, description, outcome and results of innovation projects. 9. Entrepreneurship - concept and goals of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs, nature and importance of entrepreneurship, theories, principles and schools of entrepreneurship, prejudices about entrepreneurship. 10. Legal framework of entrepreneurial and innovative activity - copyright, patent, intellectual and industrial property, Rulebook on inventive activity of the Higher Education Institution, legislation in the field of entrepreneurship. 11. An insight into some aspects of entrepreneurship in European forestry - position and role of forestry entrepreneurs, number and forms of organization, training and education, safety and health, associations of entrepreneurs. 12. Entrepreneurship in forest works in Croatia - number and structural characteristics of contractors, working resources and employees, services, type, volume and value of works, licensing of forestry entrepreneurs. 13. Entrepreneurial traits and skills, discovering and creating favorable opportunities for entrepreneurship, risks, causes of failure, entrepreneurial environment, way of generating ideas for starting an entrepreneurial venture 14. Establishment and start of an entrepreneurial venture, elements and content of a business plan, investment study and financing, entrepreneurial strategy and entrepreneurial management. 15. Good practice in forestry entrepreneurship - guide and instructions for successful entrepreneurship in forestry, elements and presentation of 'best practice' solutions and examples from European and Croatian forestry practice.

Obvezna literatura:

1. Ribić, D., Pleša Puljić, N., 2020: Osnove poduzetništva. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.

2. Rametsteiner, E., Weiss, G., Kubeczko, K., 2005: Innovation and entrepreneurship in forestry in central Europe. Brill Academic Publishers, Leiden-Boston.

3. Srića V., 2003: Kako postati pun ideja. M.E.P. Consult, Zagreb.


Dopunska literatura

Šporčić, M., Bakarić, M., Crnić, I., Landekić, M., 2018: Pregled dobre prakse u šumarskom poduzetništvu. Nova mehanizacija šumarstva 39: 67-82.

Šporčić, M., Landekić, M., Ćosić, M., Bakarić, M., 2017: Inovacijske nagrade u šumarstvu. Nova mehanizacija šumarstva 38: 79-90.

Lalić, I., 2017: Kako pokrenuti vlastiti biznis. Re-forma grupa d.o.o. Zagreb

Posavec, S., Šporčić, M., Antonić, D., Beljan, K., 2011: Poticanje inovacija - ključ razvoja u hrvatskom šumarstvu. Šumarski list 135 (5-6): 243-256.

Robert D. Hisrich, Peters, M.P., Shepherd, D.A., 2011: Poduzetništvo. Mate d.o.o. Zagreb


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