Department of Forestry

Selection and use of ornamental trees and shrubs in the landscape design

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Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures: 1. Selection of ornamental woody plants according to habitus and growth rate. 2. Selection of ornamental woody plants according to durability, texture, size, shape, consistency and color of leaves. 3. Selection of ornamental woody plants according to the shape, size, color, smell and sex of the flowers. 4. Selection of ornamental woody plants according to shape, size, color, smell and structure of cones and fruits. 5. Selection of ornamental woody plants according to the color and texture of the bark, and the color, thickness and shape of the shoots in winter. 6. Specificity of ornamental woody plants in a particular season. Selection of ornamental woody plants according to the time of leafing, flowering, fruiting, leaf fall and fruit fall. 7. Selection of ornamental woody plants for different habitat conditions. 8. Selection of decorative woody plants for focal points, tree rows and hedges. 9. Selection of decorative woody plants for ground covers, climbers and slopes. 10. Selection of decorative woody plants for rock gardens, roof and vertical gardens. 11. Selection of decorative woody plants for Christmas trees, windbreaks, topiary and bonsai. 12. Selection of decorative woody plants for containers in the garden, for indoor plants and for arranging. 13. Selection of ornamental woody plants to increase biodiversity and benefits for animals. Native and non-native woody plants: pros and cons of choice. 14. Negative effects: toxicity of certain plant parts, spines or thorns, unpleasant smell or structure of plant organs, allergies, aggressiveness of the root system, possibility of uncontrolled spread. 15. Particularly significant and popular genera or groups of plants.

Obvezna literatura (dostupna u knjižnici i/ili na drugi način):


1. Idžojtić, M., 2005: Listopadno drveće i grmlje u zimskom razdoblju. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 256 pp.

2. Idžojtić, M., 2009: Dendrologija – List. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 904 pp.

3. Idžojtić, M., 2013: Dendrologija – Cvijet, češer, plod, sjeme. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 672 pp.


 Dopunska literatura


1. Bärtles, A., P. A. Schmidt, 2014: Enzyklopädie der Gartengehölze. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 888 pp.

2. Blanusa, T., M. Garratt, M., Cathcart-James, L. Hunt, R.W.F. Cameron, 2019: Urban hedges: A review of plant species and cultivars for ecosystem service delivery in north-west Europe. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 40: 126391.

3. Brickell, C. (Ed.), 2003: RHS A-Z encyclopedia of garden plants, Vol. I-II. Dorling Kindersley, London.

4. Cappiella, K., T. Schueler, J. Tomlinson, T. Wright, 2006: Urban watershed forestry manual. Part 3. Urban tree planting guide. USDA Forest Service. 72 pp.

5. Church, G., 2002: Trees and shrubs for foliage. Firefly Books, Willowdale. 159 pp.

6. Dirr, M. A., 2011: Dirr's encyclopedia of trees and shrubs. Timber Press. 952 pp.

7. Edwards, J., 2006: Shrubs and climbers. Lorenz Books, London. 256 pp.

8. Farjon, A., 2010: A handbook of the world’s conifers. Vol. I-II. Brill, Leiden.

9. Gelderen, D. M. van, P. C. de Jong & H. J. Oterdoom, 1994: Maples of the world. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 458 pp.

10. Gelderen, D. M. van & J. R. P. van Hoey Smith, 1996: Conifers: The illustrated encyclopedia. Timber Press.

11. Gilman, E. F., 1997: Trees for urban and suburban landscapes. Delmar Publishers. 688 pp.

12. Hillier, J., A. Coombes (eds.), 2007: The Hillier manual of trees and shrubs. A David and Charles Books, Cincinnati. 512 pp.

13. Houtman, R., 2004: Variegated trees and shrubs. Timber Press, Portland. 338 pp.

14. Idžojtić, 2019: Dendrology: Cones, Flowers, Fruits and Seeds. Elsevier – Academic Press, London, San Diego, Cambridge, Oxford. 800 pp.

15. Stoeklein, M. C., 2011: The complete plant selection guide for landscape design. Purdue University Press. 750 pp.

16. Taylor, S. L., W. A. Niering, 1979: Garden guide to woody plants: A plant handbook. Connecticut College Arboretum, Bulletin No. 24. 102 pp.

17. Van Dijk, H., 1998: Encyclopaedia of border plants. Rebo Productions. 320 pp.

18. Vermeulen, N., R. Rosenfeld (ed.), 1998: Encyclopaedia of house plants. Rebo Productions, Lisse.

19. Vertrees, J. D., 2001: Japanese maples. Timber Press, Portland. 332 pp.

20. Welch, H. J., 1979: Manual of dwarf conifers. Theophrastus, Little Compton. 493 pp.


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