Selection and use of ornamental trees and shrubs in the landscape design
Obvezna literatura (dostupna u knjižnici i/ili na drugi način):
1. Idžojtić, M., 2005: Listopadno drveće i grmlje u zimskom razdoblju. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 256 pp.
2. Idžojtić, M., 2009: Dendrologija – List. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 904 pp.
3. Idžojtić, M., 2013: Dendrologija – Cvijet, češer, plod, sjeme. Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. 672 pp.
Dopunska literatura
1. Bärtles, A., P. A. Schmidt, 2014: Enzyklopädie der Gartengehölze. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, 888 pp.
2. Blanusa, T., M. Garratt, M., Cathcart-James, L. Hunt, R.W.F. Cameron, 2019: Urban hedges: A review of plant species and cultivars for ecosystem service delivery in north-west Europe. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 40: 126391.
3. Brickell, C. (Ed.), 2003: RHS A-Z encyclopedia of garden plants, Vol. I-II. Dorling Kindersley, London.
4. Cappiella, K., T. Schueler, J. Tomlinson, T. Wright, 2006: Urban watershed forestry manual. Part 3. Urban tree planting guide. USDA Forest Service. 72 pp.
5. Church, G., 2002: Trees and shrubs for foliage. Firefly Books, Willowdale. 159 pp.
6. Dirr, M. A., 2011: Dirr's encyclopedia of trees and shrubs. Timber Press. 952 pp.
7. Edwards, J., 2006: Shrubs and climbers. Lorenz Books, London. 256 pp.
8. Farjon, A., 2010: A handbook of the world’s conifers. Vol. I-II. Brill, Leiden.
9. Gelderen, D. M. van, P. C. de Jong & H. J. Oterdoom, 1994: Maples of the world. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. 458 pp.
10. Gelderen, D. M. van & J. R. P. van Hoey Smith, 1996: Conifers: The illustrated encyclopedia. Timber Press.
11. Gilman, E. F., 1997: Trees for urban and suburban landscapes. Delmar Publishers. 688 pp.
12. Hillier, J., A. Coombes (eds.), 2007: The Hillier manual of trees and shrubs. A David and Charles Books, Cincinnati. 512 pp.
13. Houtman, R., 2004: Variegated trees and shrubs. Timber Press, Portland. 338 pp.
14. Idžojtić, 2019: Dendrology: Cones, Flowers, Fruits and Seeds. Elsevier – Academic Press, London, San Diego, Cambridge, Oxford. 800 pp.
15. Stoeklein, M. C., 2011: The complete plant selection guide for landscape design. Purdue University Press. 750 pp.
16. Taylor, S. L., W. A. Niering, 1979: Garden guide to woody plants: A plant handbook. Connecticut College Arboretum, Bulletin No. 24. 102 pp.
17. Van Dijk, H., 1998: Encyclopaedia of border plants. Rebo Productions. 320 pp.
18. Vermeulen, N., R. Rosenfeld (ed.), 1998: Encyclopaedia of house plants. Rebo Productions, Lisse.
19. Vertrees, J. D., 2001: Japanese maples. Timber Press, Portland. 332 pp.
20. Welch, H. J., 1979: Manual of dwarf conifers. Theophrastus, Little Compton. 493 pp.