Department of Forestry

General and landscape ecology (ŠDU)

ŠDU1003 - obavezni
Opterećenje: 30(P) + 0(L) + 15(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 16(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures 1. Introduction to General and landscape ecology. Basics of general and landscape ecology. History of general and landscape ecology. 2. Organisms, environment and habitats in forest ecosystems 3. Life processes of organisms and the environment in forest ecosystems. 4. Ecological processes and functioning of forest ecosystems. 5. Relationships between organisms and light in forest ecosystems. Relationships between organisms and heat in forest ecosystems. 6. Relationships between organisms and water in forest ecosystems. Relationships between organisms and air in forest ecosystems. 7. Relationships between organisms and chemical substances in forest ecosystems. Relationships between organisms and mechanical factors in forest ecosystems. 8. Relationships between organisms and climate in forest ecosystems. Relationships between organisms and relief in forest ecosystems. 9. Relationships between organisms and soil in forest ecosystems. Relationships between organisms and geological substrates in forest ecosystems. 10. Relationships of organisms in forest ecosystems - plants, animals, microorganisms and humans. 11. Ecological problems in forest ecosystems. 12. Protection of organisms and their habitats in forest ecosystems. 13. Improvement of the condition of forest habitats and forest organisms. 14. Services of forest ecosystems 15. Monitoring the condition of forest ecosystems. Exercises 1. Ecological projects in the field of urban forestry, nature and environmental protection (2 hours) 2. Biological relationships between organisms in the ecosystem - mycorrhiza (2 hours) 3. Monitoring, protection and improvement of forest habitats - National ecological network (3 hours) 4. Improvement of generally useful functions of forests and services of forest ecosystems (3 hours) 5. Environmental impact study (2 hours) 6. Indices of biodiversity of forest ecosystems (3 hours) Field work 1. Protection and preservation of forest habitats as part of NATURE 2000. 2. Ecological issues of trees in urban areas

Obavezna literatura:
1.     EKOLOŠKI LEKSIKON, Glavni urednik Oskar Springer, Zagreb: Barbat, Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prostornog uređenja Republike Hrvatske, 2001., 361 str.
2.     Vjekoslav Glavač, 1999. UVOD U GLOBALNU EKOLOGIJU, Državna uprava za zaštitu prirode i okoliša : Hrvatske šume. 207 str., Zagreb.
3.     Pregled stanja biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti RH, 1999., Ministarstvo zaštite okoliša i prirode.
4.     Tikvić, I., D. Ugarković, 2020: Opća i krajobrazna ekologija. Skripta, Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

5.     Priroda kao zadaća – priručnik raktične zaštite prirode u općinama, 1994., Državna uprava za zaštitu kulturne i prirodne baštine, Zagreb, str. 297.

6.     Priroda Hrvatske Riznica za bolju budućnost, 2015., Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, str. 52


Preporučena literatura:
5.     Daniel B. Botkin, Edward A. Keller; : ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE EARTH AS A LIVING PLANET (1-649 str.)
6.     Eugene P. Odum, 1971.: FUNDAMENTALS OF ECOLOGY (1-574 str.)
7.     Robert E. Ricklefs, 1990.: ECOLOGY (1-885 str.)
8.     Richard T.T. Forman, Michel Godron, 1986: LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, p. 1-620. BIODIVERSITY, E.O.Wilson, Editor, National Academy of Science, 1988, p. 521
9.     Mackenzie, A., A. S. Ball, S. R. Virdee, 2001: Ecology. BIOS Scientific Publishers Limited, UK, str. 339
10.     Crveni popis ugroženih biljaka i životinja Hrvatske, 2004., Državni zavod za zaštitu prirode, str. 112.


Prof. Ivica Tikvić PhD

Distinguished professor

izv. prof. dr. sc. Damir Ugarković

Associate professor



izv. prof. dr. sc. Damir Ugarković

Associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije