Department of Forestry

Supervision of forest road construction

Opterećenje: 13+0+0+2
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures: 1. Introductory settings. Legal framework and by-laws and technical documentation that you need to know during management and supervision construction/reconstruction works and forest road maintenance/repair. 2. Participants in the process of construction/reconstruction and maintenance/repair of forest roads, necessary qualifications, basic tasks and area of ​​responsibility. 3. Preparation and implementation of the procurement procedure and selection of the most favorable contractor. 4. Contract on performance of works - breakdown and clarification of basic components. Preparation of the contract on the execution of works with an emphasis to the professional part. 5. The procedure for introducing the contractor to the job. Preparation of the appropriate minutes. 6. Organization and management of construction/reconstruction and maintenance/repair of forest roads. 7. Construction diary - breakdown and clarification of basic components. Keeping a construction diary. 8. Construction book - breakdown and clarification of basic components. Creation of construction book. 9. Temporary and finished situation - breakdown and clarification of basic components. Creation of a temporary and final situation and complete related documentation. 10. Supervision of construction/reconstruction and maintenance/repair of forest roads. Control and verification of construction diary. 11. Control and certification of the building book. Control and verification of the temporary and completed situation and complete associated documentation. 12. Record of handover of construction/reconstruction and maintenance/repair of forest roads - breakdown and clarification basic components. Preparation of minutes on the handover of works. 13. Final report of the supervising engineer - breakdown and clarification of basic components. 14. Preparation of the final report of the supervising engineer - Part 1 15. Preparation of the final report of the supervising engineer - part 2

Obvezna literatura:

1. Pičman, D., 2007: Šumske prometnice (sveučilišni udžbenik), Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, s. 1-460, odabrana poglavlja.

2. Šikić, D. i dr., 1989: Tehnički uvjeti za gospodarske ceste, Znanstveni savjet za promet JAZU, Zagreb, s. 1-40, odabrana poglavlja

Preporučena literatura : 

1. Znanstveni i stručni radovi o predmetnoj problematici domaćih i stranih autora objavljeni u časopisima i zbornicima savjetovanja.

2. Anon., 2002: Forest Road Engineering Guidebook, B.C. Ministry of Forests, p. 1-208, odabrana poglavlja.

3. Anon., 2011: Colorado Forest Road Field Handbook, Colorado State Forest Service, p. 1-142, odabrana poglavlja.

4. Babić, B., 1997: Projektiranje kolničkih konstrukcija, HDGI Zagreb, s. 1-197, odabrana poglavlja

5. Dragčević V., Korlaet Ž., 2003: Osnove projektiranja cesta, udžbenik, Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, s. 1-93, odabrana poglavlja. 

6. Dragčević, V., Rukavina, T., 2006: Donji ustroj prometnica, Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, s. 1-187, odabrana poglavlja.

7. Korlaet Ž., 1995: Uvod u projektiranje i građenje cesta, udžbenik, Građevinski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, s. 1-208, odabrana poglavlja.

8. Lacrombe, G., 1999: Forest Roading Manual, Liro Forestry Solutions, New Zeland, p. 1-404, odabrana poglavlja.

9. Ryan, T. et al., 2004: Forest Road Manual, Guidelines for the design, construction and management of forest roads, COFORD, Dublin, p. 1-156, odabrana poglavlja


prof. Tibor Pentek

Distinguished professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije