Department of Forestry

Forest fires

Opterećenje: 15(P) + 0(L) + 0(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 0(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: Students learn about the problem of forest fires in Croatia and the world's experiences related to forest fires, especially the Mediterranean countries of the European Union. The class covers a number of factors important for the mentioned problem, such as: legal regulations, methods of assessing the risk of forest fires in the country, the EU and the world, types of forest fires, the importance of vegetation, habitat conditions, soil, relief, geological base and climate for their occurrence of forest fires, organization of forests and fuel, the preventive role of foresters and their tasks during fires, damage caused by fires as a whole, rehabilitation of burnt areas and reconstruction.

Obavezna literatura:
1.     Grupa autora, 2003: Zaštita šuma od požara. iproz CIP Zagreb
2.     Grupa autora, 1987: Osnove zaštite šuma od požara. Zagreb
3.     Mattia, F., Galellini, B., Malasapina, A., Pontani, D., 2002: Italy Forest Fires in 2001. State Forestry Corps.
4.     Vajda, Z., 1973: Nauka o zaštiti šuma. Školska knjiga Zagreb, 482 str.
5.     Zakonski propisi zaštite šuma od požara: ? Zakon o šumama (NN 13/02) ? Zakon o zaštiti šuma od požara (NN 58/93) ? Zakon o vetrogastvu (NN 106/99) ? Pravilnik o zaštiti šuma od požara (NN 26/03) i dr.


Preporučena literatura:
6.     Stručni i znanstveni članci u domaćim časopisima.


assoc. prof. Milivoj Franjević PhD

associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije