Nursery production of ornamental plants
Obavezna literatura:
1. .Drvodelić, D., 2020: Prezentacije predavanja i vježbi 2. Drvodelić, D., 2020:Priručnik za razmnožavanje drvenastih vrsta, 91 str.
Preporučena literatura:
2. Dirr, M. A., C. W. Jr Heuser, 1987: Reference Manual of Woody Plant Propagation (From Seed to Tissue Culture), Athens, 239 str
3. Ďurkovič, J., J. Krajňáková , 2010: Mikropropagácia drevín v podmienkach in vitro. Technická univerzita vo Zvolene. Lesnicka fakulta, 87 str
4. Duryea, M. L., T. D. Landis, 1984: Forest Nursery Manual: Production of Bareroot Seedlings (Forestry Sciences). Springer, 396 str
5. Kock, H., P. Aird, J. Ambrose, G. Waldron, 2008: Growing Trees from Seed: A Practical Guide to Growing Native Trees, Vines and Shrubs. Ken Smith "The London Free Press“, 280 str.
6. MacDonald, B., 1986: Practical Woody Plant Propagation for Nursery Growers. Timper Press, Inc. Oregon, USA, 660 str.
7. Međedović, S., D. Ferhatović, 2003: Klonska proizvodnja sadnica drveća i grmlja. Bemust, Sarajevo, 216 str.
8. Mason, J., 2004: Nursery management. Landlinks Press, Australia,320 str.
9. Suszka, B., C. Muller, M. Bonnet-Masimbert, A. Gordon, 1996: Seeds of Forest Broadleaves: from Harvest to Sowing. INRA, 334 str
10. USDA FS [USDA Forest Service] 1948: Woody-plant seed manual. Misc. Pub. 654. Washington, DC: USDA Forest Service. 416 str.
11. Young, J. A., C. G. Young, 1992: Seeds of Woody Plants in North America, Portland, 407 str.