Collection and processing of 3D data
Obvezna literatura (dostupna u knjižnici i/ili na drugi način):
1. Prezentacije sa predavanja
2. Martin Weinmann, 2016: Reconstruction and analysis of 3D scenes, Springer
Dopunska literatura:
1. Balenović, I., L. Xinlian, L. Jurjević, J. Hyyppä, A. Seletković, A., Kukko, 2020: Hand-Held Personal Laser Scanning – Current Status and Perspectives for Forest Inventory Application. . CROATIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST ENGINEERING.
2. Balenovic, I., M. Gašparović, A. Šimić Milas, A. Berta, A. Seletković, 2018: Accuracy Assessment of Digital Terrain Models of Lowland Pedunculate Oak Forests Derived from Airborne Laser Scanning and Photogrammetry. CROATIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST ENGINEERING, Volume: 39, Issue: 1, Pages: 117-128.
3. Special Issue "3D Point Clouds in Forests",