Ecology of Forest Tree Species
PU6005 - obavezniOpterećenje: 15(P) + 0(L) + 15(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 0(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: The subject ecology of forest trees includes ecological and biological relationships of the main species of forest trees, habitat conditions crucial for the development of trees, natural ecological and other taxa, description of climate, relief, geology and soil in Croatia, requirements of forest trees for light, temperature, water, relationship to chemical and mechanical factors, morphological constitution of forest trees, dependence of germination, growth and development of above-ground and underground parts, seed yield on ecological conditions, unfavorable influence of biotic factors on the development and maintenance of forest trees, unfavorable effect of abiotic factors on forest trees, drought and high temperatures , frost and snow, ice and low temperatures, floods, wind, pollution, insects, fungi and higher plants, animals. Ecological relations of common beech, holm oak, cypress oak, field ash, black alder, honey oak, holm oak, sweet chestnut, elm, linden and maple in Croatia. Ecological relations of common fir, common spruce, Aleppo pine and black pine in Croatia. Ecological relationships of non-native tree species, Douglas fir, American pine, European larch, Scots pine, coastal pine, Atlas cedar, sycamore, nettle, thuja, and patchouli.
Literatura:Obavezna literatura:
1. Matić, S., Prpić, B. Pošumljavanje, Savez inženjera i tehničara šumarstva i drvne industrije Hrvatske, 1-79., Zagreb 1983.
2. ŠUMARSKA ENCIKLOPEDIJA, Jugoslavenski leksikografski zavod, Zagreb, Knjiga 1,1980, Knjiga 2, 1983, Knjiga 3, 1987.
3. Obična jela u Hrvatskoj, 2001., Akademija šumarskih znanosti, Hrvatske šume,p.o. Zagreb, ISBN 953-98571-0-4, str. 5-895.
4. Obična bukva u Hrvatskoj, 2003., Akademija šumarskih znanosti, Hrvatske šume,d.o.o., Grad Zagreb, Gradski ured za poljoprivredu i šumarstvo, ISBN 953-98571-1-2, str.5-855.
5. Hrast lužnjak u Hrvatskoj, 1996, HAZU, Hrvatske šume, p.o. Zagreb, ISBN 953-154-079-9, str. 9-559.
Preporučena literatura:
6. M. Vidaković, 1993., Četinjače. Grafički zavod Hrvatske, ?Hrvatske šume? Zagreb, str. 741.
7. J. Herman, 1971., Šumarska dendrologija. Stanbiro, Zagreb, str. 470.