Department of Forestry

Mobile applications in forestry

Opterećenje: 15+15+0
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures: 1. Historical development of mobile applications. The evolution of mobile devices - from the beginnings to the first smart device. Overview of development through history, beginnings of integration of mobile applications in forestry. (2 hours) 2. General about Android, IOS and Windows Mobile operating system. Platforms and programming languages ​​for their programming. (2 hours) 3. Mobile applications in forestry, urban forestry and protected areas and their professional application. (3 hours) 4. Mobile applications for use in forestry machines and devices. (2 hours) 5. Mobile applications for use in forest management, forest cultivation, forest protection and hunting. (2 hours) 6. Mobile applications for spatial data collection in forestry. Applications for working with GIS and CAD tools. Applications for logging operations and work and time studies. (2 hours) 7. Mobile applications for working with drones and designing forestry and park infrastructure. (2 hours) Exercises: 1. Basic features of the Google map system and other applications applicable in forestry that use resources from the Google map system. (2 hours) 2. Maps and spatial navigation in forestry. Collection of field data. (2 hours) 3. GIS and CAD applications. Ways of collecting information, transmitting information and data in two directions FIELD-OFFICE and OFFICE-FIELD. (3 hours) 4. Sending messages and data over the network. Use of mobile application services. (2 hours) 5. Printing and plotting created reports and projects from mobile applications on printable media. (1 hour) 6. Students' independent task - through market research and final analysis of selected applications for presentation (presentation of each student separately. (5 hours)

Obvezna literatura (dostupna u knjižnici i/ili na drugi način):


1. Predavanja iz izbornog predmeta Mobilne aplikacije u šumarstvu u .pptx i .pdf. formatu

2. The Definitive Guide to Mobile App Design, ebook


 Dopunska literatura:


Anureet Kaur, Kulwant Kaur, 2018: Systematic Literature Review of Mobile Application Development and Testing Effort Estimation. Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences, DOI: 10.1016/j.jksuci.2018.11.002.

Gao, J., Bai, X., Tsai, W.-T., Uehara, T., 2014: Mobile Application Testing: A Tutorial.Computer (Long. Beach. Calif). 2: 46–55.

Harrison R., Flood D., Duce D.; 2013: Usability of mobile applications: literature review and rationale for a new usability model. Journal of Interaction Science,

Kim, H.K., 2012: Mobile applications software testing methodology, ComputerApplications for Web, Human Computer Interaction, Signal and ImageProcessing, and Pattern Recognition. Communications in Computer andInformation Science. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Hosbond J. H., Nielsen P.A., 2005: MOBILE SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT: A Literature Review. International Working Conference, August 1–3, 215-232.



Associate prof. Kruno Lepoglavec PhD

Assistant professor

Hrvoje Nevečerel
associate prof. Hrvoje Nevečerel PhD

associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije