Department of Forestry

Forest roads in protected areas

Opterećenje: 15+15+0
Sadržaj predmeta: Lectures: 1. Introductory settings. Always present and occasionally/sometimes present stages of establishing an optimal network of forest roads in protected areas of forest ecosystems. 2. Planning in forestry. Planning of forest roads - strategic, tactical and operational planning. 3. Technical documentation that is created in the planning phase of forest roads at the strategic, tactical and operational level. Legal and by-laws that follow the planning process of forest roads at the strategic, tactical and operational level. 4. Forest opening study - basic components, methods and production procedures. Elaboration of the efficiency of the network of forest roads - basic components, methods and procedures of creation. 5. Designing forest roads. Types of forest road projects - conceptual, general and main project. Full and abbreviated design process. 6. Conceptual project of a forest road - basic components, methods and procedures of construction. General project of a forest road - basic components, methods and procedures of construction. 7. The main project of the forest road - basic components, methods and procedures of construction (Part 1). 8. The main project of the forest road - basic components, methods and construction procedures (2nd part). 9. Legal and by-laws that follow the process of designing forest roads. 10. Construction of forest roads. Possible, suitable and optimal technologies for the construction of forest roads. Criteria for choosing the optimal technology for the construction of forest roads. 11. Forest road construction technology in the lowland area. The most important problems we face when building forest roads in lowland areas. Forest road construction technology on sloping terrain. The most important problems we face when building forest roads on sloping terrain. 12. Maintenance of forest roads - types and definitions. Regular maintenance of forest roads. Investment maintenance of forest roads. Periodic maintenance of forest roads. Elaboration of maintenance of forest roads - basic components, methods and production procedures. 13. Legal and by-laws that follow the procedure of construction of forest roads and maintenance of forest roads. Participants in the process of construction of forest roads and maintenance of forest roads, necessary qualifications, basic tasks and area of ​​responsibility. 14. Organization and management of forest road construction and forest road maintenance. Supervision of the construction of forest roads and maintenance of forest roads. 15. Construction diary - basic components. Construction book - basic components. Temporary and finished situation - basic components. Exercises: 1. Forest roads in protected areas - introduction to exercises. 2. Determining the location of the intervention. 3. Describing the planned intervention. 4. Designing the GIS of the researched area (working with ArcGIS tools). 5. Zero line, calculation of the slope of the zero line, Determination of compass steps. 6. Projecting the zero line on a digital map (working with ArcGIS tools). 7. Defining the differences between the zero-line, operational and axial polygon of the forest road. 8. Getting to know different types of vector data (point, line, polygon) (working with AutoCAD tools). 9. Basics of drawing and manipulation of spatial data (work with AutoCAD tools). 10. Defining cadastral parcels in the area of ​​intervention (work with CAD tools). 11. Extraction of cadastral particles that will be covered by the intervention (work with CAD tools). 12. Preparation and saving of data suitable for further analysis in the ArcGIS program (working with ArcGIS tools). 13. Creation of a graphic representation of all roads with the associated cadastral number in the area of ​​the intervention (work with ArcGIS tools). 14. Creation of an overview map of the area involved in the primary opening of forests with conceptual routes of future forest roads drawn (work with ArcGIS tools). 15. Data export and printing.

Obvezna literatura (dostupna u knjižnici i/ili na drugi način):


1. Dietz, P., H. Löffler, & W. Knigge, 1984: Walderschließung, Eine Lehbruch für Studium und Praxis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Waldwegebaus. Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin, p. 1-196, odabrana poglavlja.

2. Pičman, D., 2007: Šumske prometnice (sveučilišni udžbenik), Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, s. 1-460, odabrana poglavlja.

3. Šikić, D. i dr., 1989: Tehnički uvjeti za gospodarske ceste, Znanstveni savjet za promet JAZU, Zagreb, s. 1-40, odabrana poglavlja


Dopunska literatura:


1. Znanstveni i stručni radovi o predmetnoj problematici domaćih i stranih autora objavljeni u časopisima i zbornicima savjetovanja.

2. Anon., 2002: Forest Road Engineering Guidebook, B.C. Ministry of Forests, p. 1-208, odabrana poglavlja.

3. Anon., 2011: Colorado Forest Road Field Handbook, Colorado State Forest Service, p. 1-142, odabrana poglavlja.

4. Lacrombe, G., 1999: Forest Roading Manual, Liro Forestry Solutions, New Zeland, p. 1-404, odabrana poglavlja.

5. Ryan, T. et al., 2004: Forest Road Manual, Guidelines for the design, construction and management of forest roads, COFORD, Dublin, p. 1-156, odabrana poglavlja.


prof. Tibor Pentek

Distinguished professor

Ivica Papa
Associate professor Ivica Papa PhD

Associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije