Department of Forestry

Silviculture of special purpose forests (PU)

PU5003 - obavezni
Opterećenje: 45(P) + 0(L) + 30(A) + 0(PK) + 0(S) + 0(TJ) + 0(SJ) + 16(T)
Sadržaj predmeta: During lectures and exercises, students learn about management in special purpose forests. Special purpose forests are forests that are exempted from regular management and are under protection. Management of such stands as well as artificial plantations implies management according to the principles of sustainable management and maintenance of the existing biodiversity. The subject will cover cases of forest cultivation in protected natural objects. Drying and decay of forests, as well as restoration in such cases. Urban forest ecosystems and the issue of their restoration. Management of private forests and issues of private entrepreneurship. High mountain forest ecosystems and issues of restoration. Rainforest and special forest reserves, their significance and study. Ecological and biological conditions essential for natural rejuvenation.

Obavezna literatura:
1.     Oršanić, M, 2004. Uzgajanje   šuma posebne namjene. Skripta za internu upotrebu. Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb.
2.     Anić, I., 2004: Uzgajanje šuma I. Skripta za internu uporabu. Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb

3.    Anić, I., S. Mikac, 2004: Uzgajanje šuma I – vježbe i terenska nastava. Skripta za internu uporabu. Šumarski fakultet, Zagreb.

4.   Matić, S., I. Anić, M. Oršanić, 2003: Uzgojni postupci u bukovim šumama. U: S. Matić (ur.), Obična bukva (Fagus sylvatica L.) u Hrvatskoj, Akademija šumarskih znanosti, 340– 369, Zagreb.

5.   Matić, S., I. Anić, M. Oršanić, 2001: Uzgojni postupci u prebornim šumama. U: B. Prpić (ur.), Obična jela (Abies alba Mill.) u Hrvatskoj, Akademija šumarskih znanosti, 407–460, Zagreb

6.   Matić, S., 1996: Uzgojni radovi na obnovi i njezi sastojina hrasta lužnjaka. U: D. Klepac (ur.), Hrast lužnjak (Quercus robur L.) u Hrvatskoj, HAZU i Hrvatske šume p.o. Zagreb, 167 – 212, Zagreb.

Preporučena literatura:
7.     Burschel, P., J. Huss, 1997: Grundriss des Waldbaus. Parey Buchverlag, 487 str., Berlin.
8.     Matthews, J. D., 1991: Silvicultural systems. Clarendon press, 284 str., Oxford
9.     Korpel, Š., J. Penaz, M. Saniga, V. Tesar, 1991: Pestovanie lesa. Priroda, 465 str., Bratislava.
10.     Matić, S., M. Oršanić, I. Anić, 2003: Uzgojni postupci u niskim i degradiranim bukovim sastojinama. U: S. Matić (ur.), Obična bukva (Fagus sylvatica L.) u Hrvatskoj, Akademija šumarskih znanosti, 393 - 405, Zagreb.


Milan Oršanić
Prof. Milan Oršanić PhD

distinguished professor

assoc. prof. Damir Drvodelić PhD

associate professor



assoc. prof. Damir Drvodelić PhD

associate professor

assoc. prof. Vinko Paulić PhD

associate professor


Poslijediplomski doktorski studij šumarstva i drvne tehnologije