Šumarski odsjek

Methods of plant taxonomy

Opterećenje: 6.0 ECTS - P30 + A15 + T16
Sadržaj predmeta: In this course students gain an understandingof the basic principles, keyconcepts and available methods inplant taxonomy. They get acquaintedwith the latest methodologies and toolsfor the analyses of various types of taxonomicdata, including molecular toolswhich are becoming widely accessible.Students are taught to define and interpret taxonomic problems correctly, touse plant identification keys, to collectand process required plant material,to choose suitable types of taxonomicdata and to recommend appropriatemethods for taxonomic data analysis.

Obvezna literatura (Obligatory literature)


•          Vidaković, M., Franjić, J., 2004: Golosjemenjače. Sveučilište u Zagrebu - Šumarski fakultet. Zagreb

•          Franjić, J., Škvorc, Ž., 2010: Šumsko drveće i grmlje Hrvatske. Sveučilište u Zagrebu - Šumarski fakultet, 432 str. Zagreb.

•          Franjić, J., Škvorc, Ž., 2014: Šumsko zeljasto bilje Hrvatske. Sveučilište u Zagrebu - Šumarski fakultet, 626 str. Zagreb.

•          Judd, W. S., Campbell, C. S. ,  Kellogg, E. A.,  Stevens, P. F., 2007: Plant Systematics. A Phylogenetic Approach. 3rd edition. Sinauer Associates. Sunderland.


Dopunska / izborna literatura (Recommended literature)


•          Stuessy, T. F. 2009: Plant taxonomy: The systematic evaluation of comparative data. 2nd edition. Columbia University Press, New York.

•          Nikolić, T., 1996: Herbarijsk ipriručnik, 1-167. Zagreb.

•          Nikolić, T., 2013: Sistematska botanika - Raznolikosti evolucija biljnog svijeta. Alfa d.d., 882 str. Zagreb.

•          Domac, R., 1994: Flora Hrvatske, priručnik za određivanje bilja. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.

•          Singh, G. 2016: Plant Systematics, 3rd edition: An Integrated Approach. CRC Press.

•          Besse, P. (ur.) 2014: Molecular plant taxonomy: methods and protocols. Humana Press.

•          Winston, J.E. 1999: Describing Species, Practical Taxonomic Procedure for Biologist. Columbia University Press, New York

•          Clive, S., 2005: Plant taxonomy and biosystematics-does DNA provide all the answers? Taxon 54: 999-1007.


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